Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Unlocking the Power of the Mind: A Glimpse into Applied Hypnosis at HELP University

Today was an exciting day at HELP University, I introduced psychology students to the fascinating world of Applied Hypnosis!

The highlight? A 10-minute hypno suggestibility test that left everyone wide-eyed in amazement 😲. In just a few minutes, students observed real physiological responses driven by unconscious processes—proof that the mind is far more powerful than we often realize.

The room was buzzing with curiosity. Students asked thoughtful questions, challenged common misconceptions, and explored the science behind hypnotic states. It wasn’t just about therapy—it was about understanding the brain, enhancing mental flexibility, and applying these skills in everyday life, personal growth, and even future careers.

Many participants were so captivated that they inquired about courses in hypnosis—a clear sign that the next generation of hypnotherapy practitioners and mental health innovators is already taking shape.

If you're curious about how hypnosis works, want to master practical mind-body techniques, or explore a unique and meaningful career path in mental health and personal development, our Professional Certificate in Applied Hypnosis could be your perfect first step.

Ready to unlock the potential of your mind—and help others do the same?

Stay tuned or DM us to learn more about upcoming intakes and workshops! 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Occupational Therapy @ Bangsar South


Our center now offers occupational therapy services. If you're interested in learning more, feel free to message us. The first consultation to understand your needs is only RM200. Feel free to recommend it to those in need!

Friday, February 7, 2025

【职场压力?复原力?你掌握了吗?—— CITYPlus FM 专访回顾Dr Hiro Koo】


我在 CITYPlus FM 与大家聊了 开工后的职场心理调适,从 创伤知情(Trauma-Informed)工商心理学 的角度,解析了年后重返职场可能带来的心理挑战,并分享了一些 简单实用的复原力(Resilience)与压力管理技巧

💡 以下是本次专访的一些重点分享:

放长假后,大脑已经适应了较为自由、轻松的节奏,突然恢复高强度工作,容易出现 “收假焦虑”(Post-Holiday Blues),让人觉得提不起劲、注意力不集中,甚至容易烦躁。

适当的压力能提高工作效率,但 过度的压力 会影响情绪和健康。关键在于培养心理韧性(Resilience),让我们能更快适应职场节奏,减少压力带来的负面影响。

3 个简单技巧,助你快速调整开工状态
🔹 渐进式过渡:不要急着一次性恢复高强度工作,可以先从整理工作环境、安排待办事项入手,给予自己适应时间。
🔹 调整作息与节奏:假期可能打乱了生物钟,建议 固定睡眠时间,并在工作中安排适当休息,避免过度疲劳。
🔹 情绪调适:如果感觉焦虑,可以尝试 呼吸练习、冥想、或短暂散步,让大脑有机会放松,减少压力反应。

复原力(Resilience)是现代职场人最重要的心理技能之一。它不仅让我们能更快从压力中恢复,还能增强 面对挑战的能力,让我们在逆境中成长,而不是被压力击垮。

📢 如果你也想提升职场复原力,学会更有效的压力管理技巧,欢迎联系我!
让我们一起打造 更健康的职场心理,更高效的工作生活! 💪✨