Tuesday, April 30, 2013

You can GROW!

How's your day? 
                                                    Every day and everywhere, there is problems. 
You can choose to blame others and stay in your comfort zone or you can overcome it and GROW! 
The seed won't grow out beneath the stone if it treat the stone as a problem.
Problems are always there, but you can change!

Hey! You are the result of your acts

Saturday, April 27, 2013

How the "Clinical Hypnotherapy: Stop Smoking" works?

Do you know that your subconscious mind picks up keywords rather than entire phrases? 
So Phrases should be positive always! 

Take a look at this paragraph below. Can you read what it says? All the letters have been jumbled (mixed). Only the first and last letter of each word is in the right place:

I cnduo't bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Aaznmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghhuot slelinpg was ipmorantt! See if yuor fdreins can raed tihs too.

AMAZING RIGHT? Your subconscious mind power is an incredible gift! It works for 24hrs per day! 

How the "Clinical Hypnotherapy: Stop Smoking" works? 
When you first had that cigarette it did not taste or feel so pleasant did it?
NO! it may have tasted awful and made you feel light headed? This is your sub-conscious telling you the smoke that is entering your blood stream are not good. But then you want to become a smoker. So you keep having a cigarette now and again. But then eventually these mindful warning signs start to go away because you have essentially told your sub-conscious mind that it is ok to smoke. So by now your sub-conscious mind has decided you are a smoker.

If you consciously decide to become a none smoker, your sub-conscious will disagree. Your sub-conscious always has the deciding factor over your conscious decisions.

Make it simple for you to understand:

Sunday, April 21, 2013




当我们醒着时,大部分时间我们都在运用意识conscious mind来思考与行动。
而晚上我们睡着后,潜意识unconscious mind变得较活跃并负责我们身体机能与脑部的运作。


Wednesday, April 17, 2013



这是每个人第一次接触到这个专业学科时,所最常问及的问题。当媒体开始大量的报导催眠的价值时,却很少有人讨论到催眠治疗师与其它保健专家的差异。许多人误以为催眠师是催眠方面特别拿手的心理学家或精神病学家,也有人认为催眠治疗师是一种从事宗教活动的心灵慰藉行为,甚至会有人认为催眠是一种特异功能。在美国联邦字典(Federal  Dioctionary)的职业类别中,〔催眠治疗师〕本身就是一个专业而且是独一无二的名词

美国医疗协会(American Medical Association)最近估计在一般开业医生的医疗中,所有医疗疾病的70%以上是起源于受精神状态的影响,这些都是因为想法上出了问题

美国政府为了减少国家成本与社会资源,从1967年开始不得不推广催眠学程,并有计划地训练专业催眠治疗师来解决民众的“小毛病”。 相信许多人曾经有过找家庭医师协助减肥的经验,医生会告诉他们要"少吃多运动",这无疑是明智的建议,但是大部份的人在请教医生之前,早就已经知道这个道理了。  

他们不需要内科医生来告诉他们,真正的问题在于“如何使自己少吃多运动”?虽然内科医生是最具资格与专业开适合个人减肥药方与运动计划的人;但是大家却忘了;如何激励个人、改变想法、贯彻始终却不是念医学院主要的功课。 在学校几年所学的心理学课程,如何治疗情绪或心灵上的失调?当一位心理学家遇到想要戒烟、戒酒、戒赌、戒毒、自杀倾向、幻听、幻视、口吃、强迫性行为、增进运动表现良好、更有自信、潜能更加激发、工作更有信心的顾客时,应该怎么处理?课程里并没有真正的受过这些训练。反而言之,催眠治疗师是受过专业训练来协助达成这些目标的人。
站长: ”有部分问题,还是需要临床催眠疗法配合专业中心如戒毒所或医院进行治疗才能发挥最大效益".




Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hypnosis Definition by APA's Division of Psychological Hypnosis

According to the American Psychological Association (APA)’s Division of Psychological Hypnosis, hypnosis is a procedure during which a health professional or researcher suggests while treating someone that he or she experience changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts, or behavior. Although some hypnosis is used to make people more alert, most hypnosis includes suggestions for relaxation, calmness, and well-being. Instructions to imagine or think about pleasant experiences are also commonly included during hypnosis. People respond to hypnosis in different ways. Some describe hypnosis as a state of focused attention, in which they feel very calm and relaxed. Most people describe the experience as pleasant.

Is there evidence that hypnosis works?
Yes. While there are plenty of examples in the scientific literature attesting to the usefulness of clinical hypnosis, a study published in the journal Gut is noteworthy. The study involved 204 people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Treatment consisted of 12 weekly sessions of hypnosis (lasting about one hour each). Fifty-eight percent of the men and 75 percent of the women reported significant symptom relief immediately after finishing treatment. More than 80 percent of those who reported initial relief were still improved up to six years later. Fewer than 10 percent of the participants tried other treatments after hypnotherapy. (Gut, November 2003).

Can everyone be hypnotized?
People differ in the degree to which they respond to hypnosis. A person's ability to experience hypnosis can be inhibited by fears and concerns arising from some common misconceptions. Contrary to some depictions of hypnosis in books, movies or television, people who have been hypnotized do not lose control over their behavior. Unless amnesia has specifically been suggested, people remain aware of who they are, where they are, and remember what transpired during hypnosis. Hypnosis makes it easier for people to experience suggestions, but it does not force them to have these experiences.

Is hypnosis therapy?
Hypnosis is not a type of psychotherapy. It also is not a treatment in and of itself; rather, it is a procedure that can be used to facilitate other types of therapies and treatments. Clinical hypnosis should be conducted only by properly trained and credentialed health care professionals (e.g. psychologists) who also have been trained in the use of hypnosis and who are working within the limits of their professional expertise.

Practical uses for hypnosis
Hypnosis has been used in the treatment of pain; depression; anxiety and phobias; stress; habit disorders; gastro-intestinal disorders; skin conditions; post-surgical recovery; relief from nausea and vomiting; childbirth; treatment of hemophilia; and many other conditions. However, it may not be useful for all psychological and/or medical problems or for all patients or clients. The decision to use hypnosis as an adjunct to treatment should only be made in consultation with a qualified health care provider who has been trained in the use and limitations of clinical hypnosis. In addition to its use in clinical settings, hypnosis is used in research and forensic settings. Researchers study the value of hypnosis in the treatment of physical and psychological problems and examine the impact of hypnosis on sensation, perception, learning, and memory.

Sources from:

Friday, April 12, 2013

You have right to express

It's time to clear your emotional baggage and be free to move forward!

If you have been bullied before or grow up in dysfunctional families, you may have an unconscious habit to suppress emotions.
The more you suppress it, the more it grows.
One day, it may block your vision and then you feel stuck in life.

Don't suppress!
You have right to express. 
Maybe you just haven't met the good listener.
Many people face the same problem as you do, you are not alone.

We all have the gift of wisdom within us.
Allow yourself to explore your mind.

We could observe that many intelligent and psychologically minded people can explain their problem in life but it doesn't mean that they can simply overcome their problems. It is because the intellectual insight is not the same as emotional insight. So don't be ashamed to get professional help.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Clinical Hypnosis vs Stage Hypnosis

What is hypnosis?
I assume that your mind might pop up these kind of images:

Am I right?

What you're scared and worried about will only exist in stage hypnosis.
Yes, stage hypnosis is a show!
A stage hypnosis can be most entertaining field and people would love to watch it.
A group of normal people act like a chicken or frog on stage? So funny!
People who got higher suggestibility may react to the suggestion of hypnotist easily.
However, it is not a therapeutic process although people will go into a trance as well.
But it may not be a suitable and deep enough trance that enable individual to discover the powerful mind.
Because the hypnotist has to perform the show in a short time or group-oriented.
Without understand the problem that an individual face, how to help them right?
So stage hypnosis is just an entertainment show that using certain hypnosis technique.

Stage hypnosis is dangerous? I don't think so.
When you go into a trance, you will still aware what are you doing and you can come out from trance anytime too. But you may continue stay in the trance because you feel great and relaxed.
You will follow the hypnotist instruction because your unconscious mind agree to do so.
If your unconscious mind think it is a dangerous task, it won't continue to do it.
Because our unconscious mind has been trained since we were born.

If our unconscious mind are so powerful then why so many people can't change their faith and keep struggling in their life?
It is because our conscious mind and unconscious mind are constantly making conflicts.
For example, clearly know that you should study hard right now but in the end you might just go for a nap.
That's why clinical hypnosis can be so helpful for a healthy individual.
A well trained clinical hypnotherapist able to discover your potential and help you achieve your desire goal.

YES! It is a private, one-on-one, collaborative and interactive therapeutic process that takes place in a safe, comfortable, controlled office setting.
They able to go into appropriate trance and communicate with your unconscious mind.
Clinical hypnosis is a therapeutic process and it is a powerful tool to discover our potential and make positive change too.
Do you know?
There is the conscious mind, which is only 12% of our mind.
And the subconscious mind, which is the other 88%.

The founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud is using hypnosis early in his career.
In 1873, Freud began to study medicine at the University of Vienna. After graduating, he worked at the Vienna General Hospital. He collaborated with Josef Breuer in treating hysteria by the recall of painful experiences under hypnosis. It was during this early work that Freud discovered the rapport and transference between patient and doctor, and led him to explore the powers of the subconscious mind. He abandoned hypnosis in favour of his interest in a psychotherapeutic technique that we nowadays call "free association".

YES, history of Hypnosis has started from ancient times until now.
Nowadays, We able to find some well trained clinical hypnotherapists who got a better understanding in psychology knowledge. It is because clinical hypnosis is keep improving as well.
Nowadays, there are hospitals and clinics recruiting clinical hypnotherapist.
It is because clinical hypnotherapist has become more and more professional.

I hope this will be helpful for you.
Remember to choose a qualified clinical hypnotherapist.