我在 CITYPlus FM 与大家聊了 开工后的职场心理调适,从 创伤知情(Trauma-Informed) 和 工商心理学 的角度,解析了年后重返职场可能带来的心理挑战,并分享了一些 简单实用的复原力(Resilience)与压力管理技巧。
💡 以下是本次专访的一些重点分享:
我在 CITYPlus FM 与大家聊了 开工后的职场心理调适,从 创伤知情(Trauma-Informed) 和 工商心理学 的角度,解析了年后重返职场可能带来的心理挑战,并分享了一些 简单实用的复原力(Resilience)与压力管理技巧。
💡 以下是本次专访的一些重点分享:
新手爸爸,抱起宝宝那一刻,你是否感到一种前所未有的冲击?本集特别邀请教育研究博士兼创伤知情催眠治疗师 Dr. Hiro Koo,与我们一起揭开新手爸爸育儿旅程中的情感风暴!从“疯狂买衣服”的表象,深入探讨内心深处那些未被满足的需求与创伤。
✅ 当抱起孩子那一刻,对未来的期盼参杂各种焦虑不安,会发生什么?
✅ 如何通过观察对待孩子的方式,看见曾经那个渴望关爱的自己?
✅ “买衣服”背后,如何潜移默化地影响手足关系与孩子的尊严感?
✅ 当伴侣间的焦虑浮现时,如何以爱与理解携手应对?这不仅是关于新手爸爸的故事,更是一次关于疗愈内在孩童的旅程。让我们一起倾听、共鸣,为每位家长找到拥抱自己的勇气。
I am deeply grateful to Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) for inviting me as a guest speaker and for this incredible opportunity to share my Ph.D. research findings on Creative Brain Health Interventions (CBHI) with the university’s distinguished mental health professionals, professors, and lecturers.
My heartfelt thanks go to the Faculty of Human Development for their warm hospitality and support in organizing this meaningful event. I would also like to extend my congratulations to UPSI on the establishment of their Wellness Center, a groundbreaking initiative that will provide VR and neurofeedback training to benefit the surrounding community. This is a remarkable milestone, and I am truly proud to witness their dedication to advancing mental health and wellness.
Finally, I am excited about the opportunities for future collaboration with UPSI and look forward to working together to make even greater strides in this field. Thank you once again for this truly memorable experience!