Showing posts with label EEG screening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EEG screening. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Education and the Brain: What Happens When Children Learn?

Have you lost your house keys recently? If so, you probably applied a spot of logical thinking. You looked first in the most obvious places – bags and pockets – and then mentally retraced your steps to the point when you last used them.
Researchers looking at child development often use search-and-find tasks to look at the ways in which children apply what they are learning about the physical world. Tests carried out on toddlers reveal that something quite remarkable happens in child development between the ages of two and five – a stage identified by both educationalists and neuroscientists as critical to the capacity for learning.
Dr Sara Baker is a researcher into early childhood at the Faculty of Education. She is interested in the role of the brain’s prefrontal lobe in how young children learn to adapt their understanding to an ever-shifting environment. Many of her studies chart changes in children’s ways of thinking about the world. She uses longitudinal designs to examine the shape of individual children’s learning curves month by month.
Research by Baker and colleagues is contributing to an understanding of the acquisition of skills essential to learning. She explains: “The brain’s frontal lobe is one of the four major divisions of the cerebral cortex. It regulates decision-making, problem-solving and behaviour. We call these functions executive skills – they are at the root of the cognitive differences between humans and other animals. My executive functions enable me to resist a slice of cake when I know I’m soon having dinner.”
In an experiment designed to identify the age at which executive skills develop, Baker and colleagues used a row of four interconnected boxes to test children’s ability to apply their knowledge of basic physics. A ball rolled down an incline entered the first box and disappeared. A barrier (its top visible) was slotted in between two of the boxes to stop the ball rolling any further. The children were asked to open the door of the box in which the ball was hidden.
Aged 29–31 months, only 32% of the children correctly identified the location of the ball by working out that the barrier would have stopped it. Aged 32–36 months, 66% of children were successful. Toddlers under the age of three appear to understand the principles of solidity and continuity, but have trouble acting on this knowledge. A single month in a child’s age affected their ability to carry out the task correctly.
Baker’s interest in children’s development of executive skills dates from the moment a decade ago when she picked up a picture book while sitting in the foyer of a nursery school; the narrative focused on opposites: big/small, light/dark, hot/cold. How would children respond if they were asked to point to the opposite picture to the one depicting the word they heard spoken? This question became the topic for her PhD. Her findings confirmed that the huge variability of children’s executive skills could explain the range of social and cognitive behaviours we see emerging in the early years. What we learn at this stage, and what we learn to apply, sets us on course for life.
Most three-year-olds find the ‘opposites’ task hard. Given two pictures of bears, one big, one small, they automatically point to the big bear when they hear the word ‘big’ spoken aloud. They point to the big bear even when they have been asked (and appear to have understood) to point to the image that is the opposite of the word they hear.
Five-year-olds are much more successful in carrying out the task explained to them. “By age five, most children have acquired the ability to override their impulses, and put them on hold, in order to follow a request,” says Baker. “The ability to control impulses is vital to children’s socialisation, their ability to share and work in groups – and ultimately to be adaptable and well adjusted.”
What happens in children’s brains and minds to enable them to make these important leaps in understanding? The answer involves an understanding of neuroscience as well as child development. Baker and colleagues are engaged in multidisciplinary projects including examining how individuals with autism may perceive and learn about the physical world differently from those without a diagnosis. Her team is also developing a pedagogical, play-based approach in collaboration with teachers.
“Executive function is a hot topic in education. When we talk to teachers about the psychology behind frontal lobe development, they immediately recognise how important self-regulation is, and will tell you about the child who can’t concentrate. It might be the case that this child is struggling with their executive functions: their working memory or inhibitory control might be flagging,” says Baker.
“The tricky part is to grasp the processes developing in the child’s brain and come up with ways to encourage that development. In early years’ education, playful learning and giving children freedom to explore could help to encourage independence as well as the ability to know when to ask for help, both of which depend on self-regulatory skills. If we want to encourage adaptability and self-reliance, we have to look beyond the formal curriculum.”
Baker’s research into children’s ability to apply knowledge to successfully predict the location of an object hidden from view revealed much more than simply which age group was successful. She says: “In looking at the data from tasks, it’s not enough to focus only on children’s failures. We need to look at why they search for an object in a particular place. Often they’re applying something else that they’ve learnt.”
When younger children opened the same door twice in the boxes experiment, despite the barrier having been moved, they were applying logic: an object may be precisely where it was found before. After all, it’s always worth looking for the house keys first where they should be.
In another experiment (involving dropping balls into opaque tubes that crossed each other), the younger children applied their knowledge of gravity (the ball would fall down the tube) but failed to take into account that the tubes were not straight. Baker says: “When children repeat a mistake, they reveal something about their view of the world and, as researchers, we learn how their brain is developing. As teachers and parents, our role is to help children to overcome that strong, but wrong, impulse.”
During the course of a day, your frontal lobe will have enabled you to do far more than find your keys. The synaptic firing of millions of cells in your brain may have guided you through a tricky situation with colleagues or prompted you to make a split-second decision as you crossed a busy road. “The development of this vital area of your brain happened well before you started formal education and will continue throughout your lifetime,” says Baker.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

NKF Open Day & Exhibition conjunction with World Kidney Day 2016

 Our EEG biofeedback device was hooked up to a client's brain in order to read and scan brain activity. It is completely safe, non invavise, painless and no side effect. 
We have been invited to give the stress analysis (EEG brainwaves analysis) for the particpants. Special thanks to the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Malaysia for the invitation.

Monday, November 30, 2015

[Corporate Health Talk on Stress Management] Group Hypnotherapy for the Manager of Public Bank

A full day workshop with Public Bank Managers, how can stress affect your productivity and performance and what are the ways to manage it.

Yes, the best way to manage your stress is to learn healthy coping strategies.
I taught a simple self hypnosis technique as a coping skill to manage stress for all of them.
It is easy, fast and you can see how your brainwaves relieve stress instantly.

Offering brainwaves analysis (for understanding your sleep quality, stress, focus and attention abilities) after the health talk for all managers.

Contact us if you are interested. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

[Corporate Health Talk on Stress Management] Group Hypnotherapy Session at Lonpac Insurance Bhd

 Group hypnotherapy session to relieve stress
Yes, you can train your brainwaves like a muscle!
"Ubah frekuensi gelombang otak" by using neuro-hypnotherapy training method.
I mentioned about this concept in newspaper before.

                       Chinese Physician was sharing how to use therapeutic massage to reduce stress.

 Naturopath was sharing how to reduce stress by using the concept of nutritional therapy.
She shared similar nutritional therapy tips on 8TV program too.

Health Talk conducted in English at Lonpac Insurance Bhd.

Health Talk Topic:
Stress Management tips from Clinical Hypnotherapist, Chinese Physician and Naturopath.

Esther Peh, President of Naturopathic Medical Association Malaysia 
Hiro Koo, Clinical Hypnotherapist 
 Madam Low, Chinese Physician

Group Activities:
1) Group hypnotherapy session 
2) Therapeutic massage DIY session
3) DIY juice therapy
4) Brain assessment for understanding your stress, focus and attention abilities

Contact us if you are interested. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

脑波自律神经失调检查服务EEG biofeedback and autonomic dysfunction (dysautonomia) assessment

What is Dysautonomia or Autonomic Dysfunction? 

Dysautonomia or Autonomic Dysfunction is an umbrella term used to describe several different medical conditions that cause a malfunction of the Autonomic Nervous System. The Autonomic Nervous System controls the "automatic" functions of the body that we do not consciously think about, such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, dilation and constriction of the pupils of the eye, kidney function, and temperature control. People living with various forms of dysautonomia have trouble regulating these systems, which can result in lightheadedness, fainting, unstable blood pressure, abnormal heart rates, malnutrition, and in severe cases, death. Dysautonomia is not rare. Over 70 million people worldwide live with various forms of dysautonomia. People of any age, gender or race can be impacted.
2 Parts of the Autonomic Nervous System The autonomic nervous system, also known as the involuntary nervous system, regulates those facets in the body that occur automatically, such as breathing, blood pressure, digestion, heart beat, bladder function and narrowing or widening of the blood vessels. It is composed of two branches - the parasympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system.

The sympathetic nervous system is also known as our stress response system, or the fight or flight system, and it is set into motion when we experience stress. It increases our heart rate and blood pressure, dilates pupils, restricts circulation, slows down digestion, relaxes the bladder, makes us more alert and aware and provides a boost in energy so that we are capable of dealing with the stressful situation effectively. It increases energy and is often referred to as the accelerator of the autonomic nervous system.

The job of the parasympathetic nervous system is the exact opposite. Once the stressful event is over, it brings the heart rate and blood pressure back to normal, constricts pupils, improves circulation, enhances digestion, calms us down, contracts the bladder and puts us into a state of rest and relaxation. It conserves energy and is often referred to as the breaks of the autonomic nervous system.
What Causes Dysautonomia or Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction? 
When the autonomic nervous system is functioning as it should, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system work in perfect harmony together to maintain balance in the body. The sympathetic nervous system provides us with the tools we need to respond to stress adequately and the parasympathetic nervous system restores us to our normal state of peace and tranquility. Dysautonomia, or autonomic nervous system dysfunction, occurs when these two systems fail to work together in harmony. The most common scenario is the sympathetic nervous system remains dominant most of the time and the parasympathetic rarely turns on, which is referred to as sympathetic dominance. When this occurs, then the body remains in a state of fight or flight most of the time or at all times. The stress response system never or rarely turns off. If the body remains in a state of fight or flight all the time, then many degenerative processes begin to happen and result in a variety of chronic health conditions and overall poor health like those in our list above, because it is only supposed to be used for brief emergencies.

Our assessment services for the Dysautonomia or Autonomic Dysfunction:
EEG biofeedback and autonomic dysfunction (dysautonomia) assessment 
The fight-or-flight response activates the sympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system resulting in numerous physiological and mental alterations. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system was able to be quantitatively measured using EEG biofeeedback.

ES-Teck assessment
The ES-Teck assessment is not a diag­nos­tic tool. This device gives health care providers and their clients invalu­able infor­ma­tion by allow­ing them to mea­sure and mon­i­tor var­i­ous char­ac­ter­is­tics of the body’s physiology. Using a finger “Oximeter” it allows for observation of heart rate, tissue oxygen uptake, arterial stiffness, hemodynamic indicators and autonomic nervous system (ANS) levels of activity. Gives health care providers and patients invaluable information by allowing them to measure and monitor various characteristics of the body’s physiology and autonomic nervous system conduction.

可否听说过自律神经失调?通常有自律神经失调症状的人,在經過各種儀器檢查出來都很正常并查不出病因的。 面对自律神经失调的人,严重者甚至会有“逛医院或诊所(即不停的找寻病源但无法找着)”的问题。

自律神經失調並不是一種病,而是一系列的症狀,也就是症候群,病因可能有許多種,也有許多種疾病會出現這些症狀,例如抑郁症depression、恐慌症panic attack or anxiety disorder等等。因為針對的器官不同,可能出現以下某些症狀:


這裡將自律神經失調分成2種,快快了解成因,改善自律神經失調,告別沒有朝氣的自己! 交感神經讓你活動: 當身體需要活動、抗壓時,就是交感神經活躍的時候。這時心臟、肺的作用力大幅提升,體溫與血壓也跟著上升,調整身體狀態,使你精神飽滿,又能燃燒體脂肪!此時消化與排泄作用則會進入休息狀態。

★大腦活動旺盛 - 快速處理接收的情報,掌管心臟與肺臟。 
★不易有睡意 - 腎上腺素分泌抗壓荷爾蒙,提高大腦與身體的活動量,不易有睡意。 
★心跳加快,血壓上升 - 加速心臟跳動,將身體活動所需的充足血液,送到身體各器官。 
★消耗熱量 - 交感神經運作,消耗熱量,燃燒體脂肪! 
★支氣管擴張 - 支氣管擴張,呼吸次數增加,將大量空氣送入肺中,提供新鮮酵素。 
★子宮收縮 - 交感神經活躍時,子宮會收縮,例如生產時收縮子宮,將小Baby順利產出。 
★抑制胃酸分泌 - 心與肺活動時,腸胃不須有太大活動,所以會抑制胃酸分泌,以利能量釋放。 
★腸胃蠕動變慢 - 使排便暫緩、腸胃蠕動變慢,持續強烈緊張而便秘時,就是交感神經過度興奮。
 ★不易排尿 - 身體活動時,必須讓環境穩定,抑制排尿則可以變得更有效率。 副交感神經讓你放鬆: 副交感神經會舒緩緊張,放鬆身體,受到交感神經的刺激,減緩心臟與肺的活動力,使胃腸活動旺盛,促進消化吸收,將不需要的物質以尿液或汗排出。 尤其在睡眠時,活動力更是旺盛! 

★大腦呈休息狀態 - 大腦進入休息狀態,使全身放鬆。 
★心臟跳動減緩,血壓下降 - 休息時不需要太多血液,所以心跳減緩,血壓下降。 
★支氣管收縮 - 在休息狀態中,身體不需做劇烈活動,所以也不須要太多空氣。 
★腸胃蠕動旺盛 - 腸胃蠕動旺盛,就能將老廢物質排出體外,在放鬆狀態容易想要排便,就是這個緣故呢! 
★刺激生長激素 - 副交感神經活躍,刺激肌膚等的新陳代謝,使生長激素分泌旺盛。 
★舒緩子宮緊張 - 使肌肉休息,舒緩子宮緊張,例如抑制子宮收縮,讓小Baby可以在子宮中長大。 
★分泌胃酸 - 副交感神經活躍,是為了儲存能量,於是胃的活動大增,胃酸分泌增多。 
★容易排尿 - 副交感神經活躍,膀胱收縮,刺激排尿作用,將老廢物質排出體外。 交感神經與副交感神經,為使每天的必要性活動能執行,不斷地做轉換,使身體保持最佳狀態! 不過,壓力過大,交感神經會持續過度興奮狀態;過度疲勞,副交感神經同樣也會有過度興奮情形產生,当2種神經無法順利轉換,平衡失調。失調的情況持續下去,副交感與交感神經都會因為活動過盛,而感到疲倦,到最後一點幹勁也沒有,身心俱疲,便會產生抑郁depressed狀態。

脑波检测服务 EEG biofeedback assessment让你更了解你的大脑状态:
透过脑电波,我们可以看见肉眼察觉不到的身心状态。精密测量脑电波,对觉醒活动必需的休息、注意力、集中力等三种状态进行神经反馈测试,从而对大脑的自律神经系自我调节能力进行科学的分析,正确了解活动中的大脑功能。这能让我们更了解自己大脑的自律神经是否操作顺利。透过脑电波Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Hi-Beta的呈现状态,我们能够更了解你目前的脑波状态是否属于亚健康。我们中心提供脑波检测服务,有兴趣就尽快联络我们,了解更多检测详情吧!


Monday, October 12, 2015

[Event] Smart Kids Asia 2015

这一次的Smart Kids Asia来到了KLCC举行。


这个脑波测试EEG biofeedback scanning主要是让大家了解自己的脑执行功能,注意力,脑压力与焦虑指数。短短的10分钟就可以了解自己的脑部执行相关功能,是不是很妙呢?



Monday, October 5, 2015

[Event] National Kidney Foundation - organ donation campaign 2015

National Kidney Foundation - organ donation campaign. 
I am here to provide care and EEG brain screening.

5,000 diagnosed with kidney failure every year.
Your Donation Helps Save Lives.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

【伊白女王 III】Q-E3 大马时尚美容Magazine (13/07/2015) 催眠 X 焦虑症

“现在你看着我的手,深呼吸,我数 1,2,3… …睡着… …” 很熟悉的对白吧?没错,这就是我们经常在电视或电影里看到的催眠师与主角的对话。催眠师给予你的印象是什么?你对这行业了解有多深?你又是否遇过真正的催眠师呢?
【伊白女王 III】 很感谢临床催眠治疗师Hiro Koo先生接受我们的访问。Mr. Koo将会让我们重新认识什么是催眠,究竟它对我们日常生活当中的作息有什么帮助。小编与亲爱的读者一起上课啦!

Text: 瀞瑩
Edit: Elizabeth
Photography: Chris

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Are you a worrier? Then you're more likely to be smart!

People prone to anxiety have higher levels of intelligence (IQ)?

  • Researchers surveyed 126 students about anxiety and intelligence
  • They were scored on the Cognitive Test Anxiety Scale and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
  • Those who ranked high for anxiety were also the most verbally intelligent
  • Experts claim smart people consider past and future events in great detail
  • This leads them to replay or imagine scenarios, worry and feel anxious   

Worriers can be kept awake at night replaying the day, or imagining all the possible worst case scenarios in their lives.
But they can at least take comfort in the fact that this behaviour could be a sign of intelligence.
More than 125 students were surveyed about their mood, anxiety levels and intelligence levels - and those found to worry the most, were also the smartest.

The research was carried out at Ontario's Lakehead University, led by Alexander Penney. 

The researchers surveyed 126 students about their anxiety levels, depression, overall mood, social skills, rumination and intelligence by gauging their responses to set questions.
The majority (77 per cent) of participants were women.
Based on their answers, each of the students were then ranked on the both the Cognitive Test Anxiety Scale (CTAS) and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS).

The higher scores on the respective tests indicate more severe test anxiety, and higher verbal intelligence.
People who are verbally intelligent are better at reading and writing, and have stronger verbal reasoning skills. 
By comparison, non-verbally intelligent people are better ‘hands-on’ learners and pick up skills using non-verbal clues.
In the study, those who ranked highest on CTAS were also the most verbally intelligent, according to the WAIS.
However, the students who scored highly for non-verbal intelligence were found to worry less.

Experts believe verbally intelligent people spend more time relaying past and future events, trying to make sense of them, for example.
This means they remember events, conversations and fears in greater detail than non-verbally intelligent people.

People who are non-verbal tend to pick up non-verbal clues, and live more ‘in the moment’ so have little need to replay situations.
‘It is possible that more verbally intelligent individuals are able to consider past and future events in greater detail, leading to more intense rumination and worry,’ said the researchers.
‘Individuals with higher non-verbal intelligence may be stronger at processing the non-verbal signals from individuals they interact with in the moment, leading to a decreased need to re-process past social encounters.’ 


You may want to contact us now for a brain screening or EEG screening session to empower your brain by using evidence-based method. 
