Hiro Koo, the clinical hypnotherapist from New Mind Brain Health Centre, is the first one who get approval to list and develop vocational training pathway for the title of "Hypnotherapy" in the National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) under the Department of Skills Development (DSD), Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia.
Another wonderful news after the PASS of my PhD Viva Oral Exam. After more than one year of active discussion with Malaysia government relevant bodies, finally I received another PASS for the approval of creating and developing the “hypnotherapy” course standard according to the National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) for the Malaysia local field.
It is a historical movement for hypnotherapy field in South East Asia as Hypnotherapist will be a formal recognized professional occupation in Malaysia context!
It is really tough process, but I am glad that I manage to overcome all the obstacles. However, it is just a start…now we need to develop the NOSS standard for the Malaysia field, it may take quite a long time…but better then do nothing.
Believe it or not, It is not for me, it is for the field. I hope to create more recognition for my profession! Reason? I love hypnotherapy. Thanks for my hypnotherapist peers who support me along the journey.

然而整个制定标准的过程耗时耗力,还需要多方专才协助。可能还需要很多时日才能制定出国家标准证书课程。所以我的催眠文凭Diploma课程还是会照着已经成熟的英国National Occipational Standard(NOS)水准去执行。