Showing posts with label hypnotherapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hypnotherapy. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

National Occupational Skills Standard for Hypnotherapy (NOSS Hypnotherapy) Malaysia

The National Occupational Skills Standard for Hypnotherapy Vocational Education in Malaysia has been officially established and launched! This is believed to be the first nationally accredited hypnotherapy vocational education standard in Asia. In the future, obtaining this national accreditation will involve either traditional skill training education (2400 hours, with approximately 70% being practical training in applied techniques) or Recognition Prior Experience, a comprehensive evaluation and assessment of previously acquired knowledge and work experience.

I was excited upon receiving this news. I recall in 2021 when I took the initiative to discuss this proposal with government officials. Back then, simply gaining acceptance for the term "hypnotherapy" took numerous discussions over a year and a half, which was a mentally exhausting process. At that time, almost everyone advised me against dreaming big and getting involved in so many matters.
However, I firmly believed that this was an essential aspect to garner greater recognition for hypnotherapy in Malaysia.
Gradually, more and more people joined our cause, including a group of excellent professionals from various backgrounds (career counselors, clinical psychologists, medical doctors, educational psychologist, developmental psychologist, HR experts, social workers, etc.) who also possessed hypnotherapy experience. They became involved in the designated this hypnotherapy vocational education standard process. We referenced hypnotherapy education standards from countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, while adapting to local culture and needs. With the support of the Malaysian government, we have finally completed this vocational standard for hypnotherapy education!
I am truly thrilled and honored to be part of this milestone for the hypnotherapy profession!

Sunday, August 27, 2023










Friday, May 19, 2023


今天我受邀到8TV 八度空间的《活力加油站》分享催眠疗法如何预防和舒缓心理压力。在我看来,催眠疗法可以作为其中一项帮助预防全面发展成精神疾病的辅助疗法。这是因为通过处理心理社会因素和采用跨诊断方法(Transdiagnostic Approach),它能间接或直接的改善一个人的心理健康状况。要知道不是有精神疾病才需要帮助,适当的身心与压力管理也很重要。

除了分享我的催眠和脑波生物反馈技术,我还在上节目前咨询了几位精神卫生专员探讨如何更恰当的呈现采访内容,并希望通过节目提醒提供辅助疗法的专业人士,适时转介那些疑似面对严重精神疾病症状或出现轻生念头的个案给其他精神卫生专员,或者寻求精神科医生、临床心理师或辅导员的合作。Do no harm的原则真的非常重要。

Today I was invited to share on 8TV's "Living Delight" about how hypnotherapy can prevent and alleviate psychological stress.
In my opinion, hypnotherapy can help prevent full-blown mental illness or work as a complementary therapy alongside standard mental healthcare such as psychiatric treatment. This is because by addressing psychosocial factors and taking a transdiagnostic approach, it indirectly helps improve one's mental health condition.
Hypnotherapy is actually being taken seriously in our country, and our hypnotherapy field is currently undergoing recognition appraisal by the traditional and complementary medicine departments of the MOH. We hope for success and smoothness in these efforts, and for there to be a more complete national education system and government regulation for hypnotherapy in the future.
In addition to sharing my expertise in hypnotherapy and EEG biofeedback techniques, I also consulted with several mental health specialists before the show. Through this program, I hope to remind other professionals who offer complementary therapies to timely refer cases with suspected serious mental illness symptoms or suicidal ideation to other mental health specialists, or seek the collaboration of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists or counselors. The principle of "Do no harm" is truly essential.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

为何创伤知情催眠治疗可以帮助预防精神疾病?How can trauma-informed hypnotherapy help in preventing mental illness?

创伤知情催眠治疗(Trauma-Informed Hypnotherapy)在预防精神病症(mental illness)和改善风险因素(risk factors)方面有以下几个优势:
  1. 降低焦虑和压力:许多研究表明,长期的焦虑和压力是导致精神疾病的常见风险因素之一。催眠治疗可以通过深度放松和改善情绪状态来减轻焦虑和压力,从而减少患精神疾病的风险。

  2. 改善睡眠:睡眠障碍是许多精神疾病的常见症状之一。催眠治疗可以帮助改善睡眠质量,减少夜间醒来和失眠等问题,从而有助于预防精神疾病的发生。

  3. 增强自我意识和认知控制能力:自我意识和认知控制能力不足也是导致精神疾病的常见风险因素之一。催眠治疗可以通过加强自我意识和认知控制能力来帮助个体更好地控制自己的情绪和思维,从而降低患精神疾病的风险。

  4. 提高心理韧性:心理韧性是指个体面对压力和挑战时的适应能力。催眠治疗可以帮助个体培养更强的心理韧性,从而在面对挑战时更加坚韧和自信,减少患精神疾病的风险。


Trauma-Informed Hypnotherapy has several advantages in preventing mental illness and improving risk factors:

Reduce anxiety and stress: Many studies have shown that long-term anxiety and stress are common risk factors for mental illness. Hypnotherapy can reduce anxiety and stress by promoting deep relaxation and improving emotional states, thereby reducing the risk of mental illness.

Improve sleep: Sleep disorders are a common symptom of many mental illnesses. Hypnotherapy can help improve sleep quality and reduce problems such as waking up at night and insomnia, thus helping to prevent the occurrence of mental illness.

Enhance self-awareness and cognitive control ability: Insufficient self-awareness and cognitive control ability are also common risk factors for mental illness. Hypnotherapy can help individuals better regulate their emotions and thoughts by strengthening self-awareness and cognitive control ability, thus reducing the risk of mental illness.

Increase psychological resilience: Psychological resilience refers to an individual's ability to adapt to stress and challenges. Hypnotherapy can help individuals cultivate stronger psychological resilience, making them more resilient and confident in the face of challenges and reducing the risk of mental illness.

In summary, Trauma-informed hypnotherapy can help in preventing mental illness and improve risk factors for mental health by reducing anxiety and stress, improving sleep, enhancing self-awareness and cognitive control ability, and increasing psychological resilience.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Hypnotherapy as a professional occupation in the National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) Malaysia

Hiro Koo, the clinical hypnotherapist from New Mind Brain Health Centre, is the first one who get approval to list and develop vocational training pathway for the title of "Hypnotherapy" in the National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) under the Department of Skills Development (DSD), Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia.


Another wonderful news after the PASS of my PhD Viva Oral Exam. After more than one year of active discussion with Malaysia government relevant bodies, finally I received another PASS for the approval of creating and developing the “hypnotherapy” course standard according to the National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) for the Malaysia local field.
It is a historical movement for hypnotherapy field in South East Asia as Hypnotherapist will be a formal recognized professional occupation in Malaysia context!
It is really tough process, but I am glad that I manage to overcome all the obstacles. However, it is just a start…now we need to develop the NOSS standard for the Malaysia field, it may take quite a long time…but better then do nothing.
Believe it or not, It is not for me, it is for the field. I hope to create more recognition for my profession! Reason? I love hypnotherapy. Thanks for my hypnotherapist peers who support me along the journey.
然而整个制定标准的过程耗时耗力,还需要多方专才协助。可能还需要很多时日才能制定出国家标准证书课程。所以我的催眠文凭Diploma课程还是会照着已经成熟的英国National Occipational Standard(NOS)水准去执行。