Showing posts with label self-hypnosis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-hypnosis. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

UTM SPACE认证专业应用催眠证书班获好评及新班开课通知

收到了一些UTM SPACE认证Professional Certificate in Applied Hypnosis专业应用催眠证书班同学的好评肯定,也从大家的字里行间看到了个人的提升与收获。确实,虽然许多同学带着学习催眠技术的心来上课,但是他们在这个学习过程中,渐渐领悟到,原来在帮助他人前,梳理了自己潜意识内在的声音,更了解自己内在的各个部分是非常有帮助的。
就像Inside Out电影带出的重点,所有的情绪都可以被看见与接纳时,我们将越来越能选择自己心底想要成为的模样。



周末将会开办新一届的UTM SPACE认证专业应用催眠证书班。毕业后也能获得美国ICBCH催眠师Professional Hypnotist认证哦!


Course info:

Received positive feedback from students of the UTM SPACE certified Professional Certificate in Applied Hypnosis course. Through their words, it's evident that they have experienced personal growth and benefits. Indeed, while many students joined with the aim of learning hypnosis techniques, they gradually realized the importance of understanding their inner subconscious voices, which significantly aids in self-awareness before helping others.

Similar to the key message in the movie Inside Out, when all emotions are seen and accepted, we become better at choosing the person we want to be.

The feedback scores for this graduation session have remained high, indicating that my teaching methods have met the expectations of most students. I will continue to strive for even better teaching quality!

For those continuing with the Trauma-Informed Practitioner Diploma course, see you in January next year! Take good care of yourselves!

A new session of the UTM SPACE certified Professional Certificate in Applied Hypnosis course will commence this weekend. Graduates will also be eligible for the Professional Hypnotist certification from the ICBCH USA!

If you're interested in last-minute registration, feel free to DM us!

Course info:

Wednesday, November 18, 2015




Saturday, September 26, 2015

What REALLY helps beat the misery of the menopause?

What REALLY helps beat the misery of the menopause? Ditch yoga for hypnosis and don't just rely on HRT, new guidelines state

  • Report by North American Menopause Society sorts fact from fiction
  • Guidelines suggest exercise, yoga and herbal remedies are no good
  • But researchers say hypnosis might combat some of the symptoms 

Trendy therapies such as yoga and acupuncture do not help women beat the misery of menopause, experts say.
Herbal supplements are also unlikely to do much good – but hypnosis might combat some of the symptoms.
New guidelines on how to ease embarrassing and energy-sapping hot flushes warn that many of the remedies tried by millions simply do not work.

For other therapies, there is not enough evidence to say whether they do help, so women would be better fast-tracking to treatments with proven benefit, the US experts say.
And despite the widely held belief that alcohol and spicy food can trigger hot flushes, there is no data to support this, they add.
Hot flushes – the most common and most distressing symptom of the menopause – can disturb sleep, drain energy and cause embarrassment.

A single flush can last from a few seconds to an hour. 
Hormone-replacement therapy is the main treatment, but is not suitable for all and many who could take it are put off by fears that it may trigger breast cancer.
Those who do start on it can suffer unpleasant side-effects, from headaches to heartburn, leading many women to search for alternatives.
However, with options ranging from Chinese herbal supplements and dietary advice to powerful anti-depressants and acupuncture, it is hard for them to know where to start.
Hypnosis is one of the few treatments backed by solid evidence that it works, the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) advises.

‘From 50 to 80 per cent of women approaching menopause try non-hormonal therapies for hot flushes. 
'Many don’t really work and sticking with them can just prolong the misery,’ it says. 
‘With little guidance on what does work, many women just experiment with products or suffer.’
NAMS asked a panel of experts to review medical literature on the topic. 
They found solid evidence of the effectiveness of hypnosis and cognitive behavioural therapy – including counselling, sleep advice and relaxation techniques. 
In one study, women who had hypnosis five times a week had a dramatic reduction in the number and severity of hot flushes.

The guidelines also recommend some prescription drugs, including the anti-depressant Seroxat and the epilepsy drug gabapentin. 
However, herbal supplements, including popular black cohosh tablets, evening primrose oil and ginseng, are unlikely to work, NAMS says.
Exercise, yoga, acupuncture and chiropractic also lack evidence that they give relief.
Dr Janet Carpenter, who led the panel, said: ‘Many women try one thing after another and it is months before they stumble on something that truly works. 
'This information will be critical in maximising the selection of the most effective therapies.’
Charles Kingsland, of the Hewitt Fertility Centre at Liverpool Women’s Hospital, said HRT was the most effective treatment, although the placebo effect – the mere belief that something will work – means other options appear helpful to start with.
‘What you have to be careful of are the things that may be harmful, not only to your health but to your pocket,’ he said.
‘In the menopause, general well-being is essential. Exercise the body and mind.
‘So many women in my menopause clinic have such low self-esteem, sometimes I think that’s often the worst thing. That’s where all the psychotherapy stuff comes in.’


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

[Interactive Health Talk on Stress Management] Group Hypnotherapy Session at Public Bank HQ

During the group neuro-hypnotherapy session, our EEG biofeedback device was hooked up to a client's brain in order to read and scan brain activity. It is completely safe, non invavise, painless and no side effect. 
Group hypnotherapy session 

Health Talk conducted in English at Public Bank HQ.

Health Talk Topic:
Stop Stressing, Start Living 

Esther Peh, President of Naturopathic Medical Association Malaysia 
Hiro Koo, Clinical Hypnotherapist 
 Madam Low, Chinese Physician

Group Activities:
1) Group hypnotherapy session 
2) Therapeutic massage DIY session
3) DIY juice therapy

Contact us if you are interested. 

这场在Public Bank HQ主办的Stress Management Interactive Health Talk吸引人上百人参加。
除了学习为该公司订做的自我催眠疗法,现场也示范了如何在家自己做刮痧排出压力和如何从饮食上着手调整压力指数。 谢谢大家的合作,让整个讲座非常顺利的进行。

Monday, July 20, 2015

【伊白女王 III】Q-E3 大马时尚美容Magazine (20/07/2015) 催眠 X 自信

催眠 X 自信

你有完美的嗓子,梦想站在大舞台上高歌一曲;你有高挑的身材,梦想在时尚秀场上展现猫步。你心里想了想: “我有的是天赋,为什么就是没勇气踏上那个舞台?“。成千上万双眼睛注视着自己,心开始退缩了。
你还记得上次小编与临床催眠治疗师 Hiro Koo先生的专访吗?这一次,Mr. Koo会延续分享有关催眠的话题之外,还会带你寻找埋没在深处的自信心。想要重拾自信的你要用心看完哦!

Text: 瀞瑩
Edit: Elizabeth
Photography: Chris

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

[Testimonial] Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Therapy Malaysia: mind-brain-body treatment

My major health concern is that I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) problem. I was looking for ways to solve and through online searching, I found Hiro Koo, a Clinical Hypnotherapist in SOL healthcare centre. I had been through a lot of treatments and therapies outside, both Chinese and Western but there is still no help to my problem until I found SOL.

In confidence, Hiro Koo explained to me about my current health condition in a very detailed manner and the solution to it – Neuro-hypnotherapy. He taught me the way to self-hypnosis and it really works. Now, my IBS problem has improved and finally I gain my life back. IBS has caused problems to my normal life and working performance and through neuro-hypnotherapy with Hiro Koo, I am better now.

Apart from that, combining with the nutritional consultation with the naturopath, I learn to eat healthily and nutritionally. I’m really satisfied with the result and would definitely recommend my friends and family members and those who need natural therapies to visit SOL. 

- Testimonial by Mr. Jeff Liau

What is IBS?
IBS is best understood as a long-term or recurrent disorder of gastrointestinal (GI) functioning. It usually involves the large intestine (colon) and small intestine with disturbances of intestinal/bowel (gut) motor function (motility) and sensation. These gut related activities are regulated by the brain. This may also be impaired, which is why IBS is often called a brain-gut disorder. These disturbances can produce symptoms of abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating or a sense of gaseousness, and a change in bowel habits (diarrhea and/or constipation).

The typical features of IBS are generally recognizable by a doctor. The most important first step in treating and managing symptoms is to see your doctor for a confident diagnosis of IBS.

Symptoms Cluster in IBS 
A number of symptoms that occur together characterize irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This may confuse you at first. Plus, symptoms will likely change over time. The changes may seem random. But there is a pattern to symptoms of IBS.
►The key sign or symptom of IBS is pain or discomfort in the abdomen. The abdomen is the area below your chest and above your hips. 
►The other symptoms of IBS relate to your bowel habit. You’ll notice a change in frequency or consistency of stool (diarrhea or constipation). These changes link to the pain.

►The symptoms occur over a long term and come and go over time.
Some or all of IBS symptoms can occur at the same time. Some symptoms may be worse than others.
Abdominal pain is often described as crampy, or as a generalized ache with periods of cramps. Sharp, dull, gas-like, or modest pains are common. The IBS discomfort or pain usually feels better after a bowel movement.

Symptom Patterns Add Up To IBS

Certain signs and symptoms occur with IBS. Symptom-based criteria for IBS emphasize a positive diagnosis rather than extensive tests to rule out all other diseases. No tests confirm the diagnosis of IBS.
A detailed history, physical examination, and limited diagnostic tests help confirm the IBS diagnosis. More extensive testing is reserved for specific situations.

Other Symptoms May Accompany IBS

Persons treated for IBS commonly report upper gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. About 25% to 50% report...
  • Heartburn
  • Early feeling of fullness (satiety)
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal fullness
  • Bloating
Other GI symptoms also reported include...
  • Intermittent upper abdominal discomfort or pain (dyspepsia)
  • Feelings of urgency (the need to find a restroom fast)
  • Feeling of "incomplete" bowel emptying
Non-GI symptoms also occur. Sometimes, but not always, this may be due to an overlap of IBS with another condition. These symptoms include...
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Sexual dysfunction
Other symptoms tend to occur with more severe IBS such as...
  • Low back pain
  • Headache
Symptoms sometimes seem contradictory, such as alternating diarrhea and constipation. It may help to keep a Symptom Diary so your doctor can see how your symptoms change over time and in relation to diet, stress, and other factors. 
Abnormal functioning of the nerves and muscles of the bowel produce the symptoms of IBS. A "dysregulation" between the brain, the gut, and the central nervous system causes the bowel to become "irritated," or overly sensitive to stimuli. Symptoms may occur even in response to normal events.

MindHypnosis and The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Hypnosis works by bypassing the critical filter of our mind to help the conscious mind directly access and suggest to the subconscious mind. Research has found that hypnotherapy may help improve the primary symptoms of IBS. It may also help relieve other symptoms suffered by many people with IBS such as nausea, fatigue, backache, and urinary problems. Hypnotherapy appears to offer symptomatic, psychological, and physiological benefit. Hypnotherapy is considered as a promising intervention for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis ( provides clearer evidence that hypnotherapy is an effective treatment in improving gastrointestinal symptoms of patients with IBS.
* We use the Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy to deal with IBS symptoms in Malaysia.

Brain: EEG biofeedback to deal with underlying issues 

The causes of anxiety and stress-related disorders such as IBS seem to be a complex interplay of predisposing heredity factors, childhood circumstances, hormonal imbalances and life-events. These disorders often involve an over-activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Because these disorders involve the activation of our most basic survival responses, often called "fight or flight" response it will always remain difficult to dampen that response. EEG biofeedback works to decrease psychophysiological reactivity and to improve recovery (by teaching the patient to activate the opposing parasympathetic system).

Body: Nutritional therapy for irritable bowel syndrome.
If you have IBS, you will know that a single meal choice can completely ruin your day by inducing painful abdominal pains or inconvenient bowel problems. A nutrition professional understands this relationship between food and mood. They can keep the symptoms of IBS at bay by applying their expert knowledge to your dietary habits. A nutrition professional can carry out a full nutrition assessment to establish possible dietary and lifestyle causes. This assessment will be used to devise an appropriate therapeutic diet and will be monitored to ensure that it is effective.
* Our nutritional therapist is the President of Naturopathic Medical Association Malaysia which is recognized by the Ministry of Health in Malaysia.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

[Light Sleeper Treatment Malaysia] What makes someone a light sleeper?

What makes someone a light sleeper? 

For some people, the slightest noise awakens them at night. For others, the wailing siren of a passing fire truck doesn’t disturb their slumber. Just why, though, remains a bit of a mystery. Although many people are self-proclaimed light sleepers or heavy sleepers, researchers have found that little is actually known about why people react differently to noises and other stimuli during sleep. Genetics, lifestyle choices, and undiagnosed sleep disorders may all play a role. In addition, some studies suggest that differences in brainwave activity during sleep may also make someone a light or heavy sleeper.

Light and Deep Sleep During sleep, you alternate between cycles of REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non-rapid eye movement) that repeat about every 90 minutes. You spend about 75 percent of the night in NREM sleep, which consists of four stages of increasing relaxation. 

Stage one, or the phase between being awake and asleep, is considered light sleep. 
Deeper sleep begins in stage two, as your breathing and heart rate become regular and your body temperature drops. 
Stages three and four are the deepest and most restorative stages of sleep, in which breathing slows, muscles relax, and tissue growth and repair occurs. 

Someone who gets eight hours of sleep a night may not experience as much slow-wave, deep sleep as the person who get six hours of sleep.

What Contributes to Light Sleep?
A small study, published in 2010 in Current Biology, suggests that differences in how sleeping people respond to noise may be related to levels of brain activity called sleep spindles. The researchers found that people whose brains produced the most of these high-frequency sleep spindles were more likely to sleep through loud noises. But more research is needed to confirm the results. Dr. Neubauer said that if someone is complaining of not feeling rested because of being a light sleeper, they should look at the factors that might be contributing to the inability to achieve a deep sleep.

Now, for the first time, sleep researchers at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, led by neurologist Dr. Jeffrey Ellenbogen, have isolated the brain-wave pattern that predicts where an individual's brain has struck a balance between those demands — a window into how likely noises are to wake people from deep sleep.
For the three-night study, Ellenbogen's group invited 12 volunteers who reported being deep and healthy sleepers into a sleep lab with a comfy queen-size bed outfitted with enormous speakers at the headboard. The researchers recorded the participants' brain waves as they slept normally the first night, and then on subsequent nights as they were bombarded with 14 different noises — from the din of car traffic and the roar of airplane engines to flushing toilets and slamming doors — which were played at progressively louder volumes.
Ellenbogen paid particular attention to the patterns generated by the thalamus, a region deep in the brain that processes incoming visual and auditory stimuli. He found that the number of pulses, known as sleep spindles, generated by this organ and measured by an electroencephalogram (EEG), which records electrical activity in the brain, varied among the sleepers. Those with the highest number of spindles were able to sleep through more sounds without waking than those whose brains showed fewer spindles. "We wanted to know, if we counted the spindles the first night, did that predict anything about their subsequent sleep?" says Ellenbogen. "And indeed it did. More spindles meant they were more likely to be protected from sleep disruption."

How can help you? 
1) Neuro-Hypnotherapy:
Doctors at Harvard University found that hypnotherapy actually promotes faster healing. Get hypnotized. Many insomniacs have tried this with great success. Under hypnosis, you might work out any personal issues that are robbing you of sleep. A clinical hypnotherapist can also "program" you to sleep. Our neuro-hypnotherapy technique able to help you! Personalized self-hypnosis method to fall asleep will be developed based on your brainwave response.

2) EEG biofeedback therapy/Neurotherapy 
EEG biofeedback/Neurotherapy is based on the international standardized 10-20 electrode location system. it is essentially a way of teaching you how to self-regulate your own electrical activity in the brain. A powerful tool for helping people fall asleep and stay asleep. Over 3,000 licensed health professionals such as psychologists, therapists, and doctors now use this new technology daily with patients. As a group, they report significant and consistent improvements for client sleep problems.

Call to schedule an appointment to meet me.
Based on your condition, I can help you to find the cause and suggest appropriate treatment.
Contact me now for more information.


Friday, November 28, 2014

南洋商报 Nanyang Siang Pau (27/11/2014) - 脑波反馈催眠疗法Neuro-Hypnotherapy专访

有兴趣进行此疗法的你,可以email我询问更多详情:[email protected]

Friday, September 12, 2014

Irritable bowel syndrome大腸激躁症


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects the large intestine (colon). Irritable bowel syndrome commonly causes cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation. IBS is a chronic condition that you will need to manage long term.

Only a small number of people with irritable bowel syndrome have severe signs and symptoms. Some people can control their symptoms by managing diet, lifestyle and stress. Others will need medication and counseling.


The signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can vary widely from person to person and often resemble those of other diseases. Among the most common are:
  • Abdominal pain or cramping
  • A bloated feeling
  • Gas
  • Diarrhea or constipation — sometimes alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea
  • Mucus in the stool
For most people, IBS is a chronic condition, although there will likely be times when the signs and symptoms are worse and times when they improve or even disappear completely.
Symptoms that may indicate a more serious condition include:
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Abdominal pain that progresses or occurs at night
  • Weight loss

MIND: Tailored Gut directed Hypnotherapy for IBS

Hypnosis has been shown to be an effective treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in a number of clinical studies. Hypnotherapy for IBS involves progressive relaxation, and then suggestions of soothing imagery and sensations focused on the individual’s symptoms. Improvements in overall well-being, quality of life, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and bloating have been noted.

Contrary to many portrayals in fiction, a clinical hypnotherapist has no power over the hypnotized person. The person is typically aware of what happens both during and after the hypnosis session. The treatment is generally comfortable and also can be effective when people are treated in groups.

Research has found that hypnotherapy may help improve the primary symptoms of IBS. It may also help relieve other symptoms suffered by many people with IBS such as nausea, fatigue, backache, and urinary problems. Hypnotherapy appears to offer symptomatic, psychological, and physiological benefit.

However, hypnosis should not be regarded as a cure-all. Up to 25% of patients fail to respond. Even when people do improve, conventional approaches to treatment should not always be ignored. It is still important that lifestyle factors such as diet are also taken into account. In addition, some people may find that an occasional loperamide or laxative, depending on the bowel habit abnormality, may be required.

Do the effects of hypnotherapy last once a course of treatment has been completed? 
Research on the long-term follow up of patients who have benefited shows that after a period of between 1 and 5 years, most remain well with many requiring no further medication at all.

Hypnotherapy can be a time-consuming and costly approach in the short term. However, as a result of the sustained benefits of treatment, it has been calculated that it becomes cost effective within 2 years when compared to conventional approaches.

How to Select a Hypnotherapist?

1) Does this person have formal training and significant experience in clinical hypnosis and psychology field? Using hypnosis with good success requires considerable skill and knowledge. In general, 50 hours or more of certified workshop training in hypnosis would be good, although less is sometimes adequate.

2) Does this person know the details of successful hypnosis treatment protocols for IBS? Hypnosis in itself is probably not sufficient to treat IBS effectively. Specific gut-directed hypnotherapy method need to be included.

Hypnosis is just one of many in the treatment options for IBS. Other psychological methods, cognitive therapy in particular, are also effective options. Hypnosis may be especially suitable when severe chronic symptoms continue after standard medical management approaches have been tried. It has become clear that in such cases, hypnosis treatment can often produce major improvement that can last for years.

Research about how clinical hypnotherapy can help Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

The Efficacy of Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Systematic Review and meta-analysis

This study provides clearer evidence that hypnotherapy has beneficial short-term effects in improving gastrointestinal symptoms of patients with IBS.

Efficacy, tolerability, and safety of hypnosis in adult irritable bowel syndrome: systematic review and meta-analysis. 

This meta-analysis demonstrated that hypnosis was safe and provided long-term adequate symptom relief in 54% of patients with irritable bowel syndrome refractory to conventional therapy.

BRAIN Perspective: EEG biofeedback for IBS

Individuals who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) may experience a range of symptoms, from mild annoyance to severe, debilitating distress. Symptoms can range from chronic, mild dysregulation of gut motility to episodes of diarrhea or constipation that incapacitate the patient and cause loss of time at work, withdrawal from family activities, and even hospitalization. It is estimated that about 20% of North Americans suffer from IBS, with twice as many women than men diagnosed each year.

Research in neuroscience has revealed that the intestinal tract and the brain are intimately related in terms of hormonal activity and autonomic nervous system connections. This is referred to as the "Gut-Brain Connection." Individuals with IBS frequently present with evidence of abnormal high frequency brain wave activity in the frontal lobes where emotional regulation occurs.

These unbalanced brain waves can be altered with Neurofeedback training (see box on right) to correct the abnormal activity and either partially or completely relieve the symptoms of IBS.

Neurotherapy/EEG biofeedback training begins with a brain assessment procedure to locate the sources of unbalanced brain wave activity. Following this, training begins and may last for 10 to 15 sessions. Each session may last for 30-40 minutes. We use symptom checklists, clinical history and patient reports to assess the progress of treatment.

How it works?
EEG biofeedback training for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a way of learning how to control your brain's electrical activity in order to alleviate the distress of IBS. EEG biofeedback training can significantly reduce or even eliminate IBS symptoms and painful sensations in patients who have an underlying dysregulation of the Autonomic Nervous System ("Fight/Flight/Freeze" emotional response).

The technique is simple and painless: Brainwave sensors are attached to the scalp at strategic locations and the information from the brain is processed digitally with sophisticated computer programs. Audio or visual displays give feedback to the patient about the frequency and amplitude of the brain activities that are implicated in IBS sensations. Music or video feedback allows the patient to become successful in changing the brain wave patterns and as a result, the IBS is greatly relieved or eliminated.

What is EEG biofeedback? 
EEG biofeedback training is a simple, painless learning technique that involves teaching your brain waves to become more functional and effective. The most comprehensive definition of EEG biofeedback comes to us from the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research (ISNR). Go to for more information.

EEG biofeedback does not involve either surgery or medication and is neither painful nor embarassing. When provided by a licensed professional with appropriate training, generally trainees do not experience negative side-effects. Typically trainees find NFT to be an interesting experience. EEG biofeedback training operates at a brain functional level and transcends the need to classify using existing diagnostic categories. It modulates the brain activity at the level of the neuronal dynamics of excitation and inhibition which underly the characteristic effects that are reported.

Research demonstrates that EEG biofeedback is an effective intervention for ADHD and Epilepsy. Ongoing research is investigating the effectiveness of EEG biofeedback for other disorders such as Autism, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, substance abuse, TBI and other pain disorders, and is promising.


腹脹、腹鳴、腹瀉、便秘、肚子疼痛不適,大概是所有人都曾經驗過的症狀,但許多人無論怎麼吃藥、看醫師,問題就是無法改善,每天都得面臨不斷跑廁所、或「大」不出來的痛苦,這些人都是大腸激躁症(Irritable Bowel Syndrome)的受害者。大腸激躁症,或稱為大腸急躁症、腸躁症、刺激性腸症候群、急躁性腸症候群、腸躁症候群,指的都是一種腸道的功能性異常;就和其五花八門的中文譯名一樣,這種疾病的症狀也相當複雜,有人易腹瀉、有人易便秘、有人則腹瀉與便秘交錯發生。

1.        腹部絞痛
2.        腹部脹氣、鼓脹
3.        腹瀉、便秘、或腹瀉與便秘交互出現
4.        常與情緒反應有關,如工作忙碌時、重大考試前都會加重症狀
5.        雖長期受腸胃症狀困擾,通常體重並不會減輕,也不會有嚴重的併發症
1.        要先就醫檢查,排除其他症狀相似的疾病,如:乳糖耐受不良、大腸癌等。
2.        調適心理、適應壓力,若是可能盡量避免給自己太過的壓力。
3.        正常的作息,規律的運動。
4.        避免刺激性的飲食,如:菸、酒、咖啡、茶葉等。
5.        攝取足量的高纖維性食物。
6.        若症狀仍持續,應考慮調整神經傳導物質,以恢復自律神經之正常生理功能。
大腸激躁症不是『器質性腸胃科疾病』,而是屬於『功能性疾病』( functional disorder )之一』。---所有功能性疾病皆由『自律神經失調』所引起,自律神經系統分佈至各內臟器官,管理各內臟器官的功能運作,一旦自律神經失調,則其所調控的內臟出現其相關疾病(例如:大腸激躁症 )。所以,大腸激躁症的治療不能從腸胃科取向去做,應從自律神經取向方能治本。
1.        改變飲食習慣:不談公事、輕鬆進食、細嚼慢嚥。
2.        改變食譜:不吃乳製品、油脂食物、酒精、咖啡因的飲料。食物力求低脂、少糖、少鹽、適度的蛋白質、高纖維食物。
3.        生活減壓:壓力與腸子的蠕動有密切的關係。尤其每天在壓力鍋當中打滾的人們,更是有機會罹患大腸激躁症。每天工作八小時當中,找空檔舒緩身心。勤練肌肉鬆弛術、靜坐,平衡身心靈。
4.        天天運動:運動除了強身之外,更可以放鬆心情,消除鬱悶的情緒,強化腸胃的機能。
5.        正常的作息、充足的睡眠。
6.        改變個性:完美主義的人,容易給自己壓力,也常出現焦慮、憂鬱或身心症狀。所以改變對事物的看法與態度,降低標準,隨遇而安,腸胃自然沒承受太多的壓力。
7.        尋找適當的醫療:激躁性腸症並非一般拉肚子,幾天就可以康復的 。必須有耐心的就醫,配合腸胃科與精神科藥物方能奏效。

(Clinical Hypnotherapist Hiro Koo: 催眠在临床研究上,临床催眠对IBS大腸激躁症的疗效是受承认和备受肯定的。)


Sunday, September 7, 2014


Relaxation therapies are based on the premise that patients with insomnia display high levels of physiologic and cognitive arousal throughout the day and night.
Positron emission tomography has shown increased cerebral metabolism of glucose in patients with insomnia. Relaxation therapies are meant to deactivate this hyper-arousal.
Table below provides a list of relaxation techniques and definitions.
Most therapies can be self-administered by patients after initial professional guidance and regular practice over several weeks.

Relaxation Therapies

Autogenic training
Imagine a peaceful environment and comforting body sensations, such as warmth and heaviness in the limbs, warmth in the upper abdomen, and coolness on the forehead
Biofeedback training
Visual or auditory feedback is provided to the patient to control chosen physiologic parameters. Contact me if you are interested in biofeedback services.
Contact me if you want to experience an unique,exclusive,customized, personalized self hypnosis session in Malaysia. 
Imagery training
Visualization technique with focus on pleasant or neutral images
Meditation, abdominal Breathing
The goal of meditation is to focus and quiet your mind, eventually reaching a higher level of awareness and inner calm.
Paced respirations
Take a deep breath and hold for five seconds, repeat several times; focus on the sound of the breath
Progressive muscle relaxation
Tense and relax large muscle groups; usually begin with the feet and work your way up to the facial muscles
Repetitive focus
Focus on a word, sound, prayer, phrase, or muscle activity

Source: American Academy of Family Physicians