Showing posts with label tics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tics. Show all posts

Friday, March 24, 2023

带你认识妥瑞症(Tourette Syndrome)与抽动症综合症(Tics disorder)- Melody FM 电台采访

到Melody FM电台进行采访,推广妥瑞症(Tourette Syndrome)与抽动症综合症(Tics disorder)的认知与醒觉分享。昨晚我还和一位专业的精神科医生讨论了如何更恰当地帮助妥瑞症患者,以便能更好的在电台传播正确的信息和内容,确保内容可以更准确地传达到听众中。

目前,尚没有根治妥瑞症的方法。主要的治疗方式包括习惯反向训练(Habit reversal training)、各种身心疗法技术和推荐他们咨询精神科医生并在有需要时考虑药物治疗等,以便能更好的改善症状和其他连带出现的相关身心症状(例如焦虑和注意力问题)。在过去的10年中,我一直在努力学习更多的技术,以帮助我遇见的妥瑞症患者。我希望,即使妥瑞症患者无法根治他们的抽动症,他们也可以透过社会的关心和同情,过上更快乐自在的生活,减少心理上的创伤。

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Hiro sharing session about the Tourette Syndrome on the Lite FM breakfast show - 19th February

Hiro sharing session about the Tourette Syndrome on the Lite FM breakfast show - 19th February 2019.
Hiro discussed about the prevalence and awareness about Tourette Syndrome.
We also discussed about the treatment option etc.

If you missed the show, welcome to read some tips below:

8 Ways to Deal with Ticcing in Public

Medical ID Card/Bracelet

When you were a kid, your mother might have carried one of those “I have Tourette” cards.   Some stranger would make a rude remark, or you’d be having a visible/audible tic in the grocery store, and mom would  flash the card.  It might have helped you both in some situations. If your tics are quite severe, one of these cards in your wallet is probably still a good idea, just in case someone seriously misinterprets your movements or  sounds. It’s not for flashing at random strangers, though (and you might prefer a Medic-Alert style bracelet or pendant for more difficult situations).
For your public outings, we suggest seven more methods for coping with tics that won’t stay in the closet when you’re out and about:

Don’t isolate yourself

It’s tempting, especially if you get nasty remarks and curious looks, but you’ve got as much right to enjoy public spaces and places as anyone else.  In totally public venues like the local library, the swimming pool, the shopping mall, or the sidewalk,  don’t worry about doing anything special.  These places belong to everyone, and that includes you. Some “public” places are a bit different, because other people come to them with certain expectations: upscale restaurants, the opera, that sort of thing. For these rare exceptions, see below.

Bring something attention-absorbing

When your mind is totally focussed, your tics tend to recede.  Waiting around in a public place might cause tics to come to the forefront  Always carry a book of really hard crosswords, number puzzles, a hand-held computer game, needlework,  sketchbook, an iPod with  the ultimate party mix, or something similarly engrossing, and let yourself really get absorbed by it.  Not only are you less likely to tic, but you won’t even sense it if you do, and you won’t observe any stares from other patrons either.

Bring a friend

If you’re enjoying their company and they’re enjoying yours, it will put strangers around you at ease. They may notice your tics, but they’ll also notice that you’re obviously a normal guy or gal with friends who like you. It’s an automatic icebreaker.

Be prepared

Think about your current tics, and how you might minimize both your own discomfort and others’ potential reaction.  For a spitting tic, bring a handkerchief so you can be discreet about it.  If you’re sniffing loudly, try a bit of Vick’s VapoRub or similar strong-smelling ointment under your nose — it will change the sensation, quite possibly short circuiting the tic for a while. If you have complex tics that slow you up, allow extra time to get into and out of events. If you find that you’re better relaxed after an hour at the gym or yoga class, schedule your life accordingly. And so on…

Prepare others

For events where the noise level might not be high enough to camouflage vocal tics, contact the venue in advance to see if they can suggest a solution. Perhaps a private box can be arranged (and if it’s a disability accommodation, there really shouldn’t be any extra cost to you…).  Many movie theatres now have “VIP Seating” for people who like to talk and canoodle during movies, and “Cry Rooms” for people who want to bring babies. These facilities can be helpful for you too.

Frame your response

If someone goes out of his way to be rude, use your judgement, but don’t be shy about defending your rights. You can reply directly with an explanation, complain to the management of the venue, or take your business elsewhere. The only thing you shouldn’t do is take it personally.  You can’t control your tics, but you can raise the level of the dialog, and, just maybe, add to someone’s knowledge.

Seek opportunities

Look for places where you can really let go:  if you’re a (young?) rocker, head for loud clubs, rock concerts, that sort of thing.  Other activities to explore include running, skiing, swing dancing, swimming, bicycling—all provide wonderful energy outlets.

Contributed by Mitzi Waltz

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

[Testimonial] Tourette Syndrome Therapy Malaysia - J.Y Case

Name              : J.Y
Age                 : 12
Town               : Kuala Lumpur

            J.Y developed motor tics about 3 years ago (at the age of 9). At age 11, she developed vocal tics. It was so apparent that people/friends started to ask her why she made those barking sound. We started researching and found/came across on the website, Hiro Koo, who provides clinical hypnosis & neurofeedback therapy. On 13 Sept 2017 after an initial assessment on her brain waves, her condition improved after 3 sessions but it was not stable. Some good days, some bad days. J.Y completed 20 sessions of neurofeedback therapies. On 5 March 2018, Hiro did another assessment on her (qEEG Brain Mapping). This assessment gave a more detailed report on J.Y’s brain waves. From this report, Hiro was able to zoom in on problem areas & commenced new protocol according to the assessment. After 10 sessions, we see vast improvement in J.Y’s condition. Her tics reduced dramatically (in just 6 weeks) and her condition was more stable.

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hypnosis Integrative Hub (Clinical Hypnotherapist Hiro Koo). Clients names have been changed to protect their identity.   

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Review( Therapy for Tourette Syndrome Symptoms) - Mr Soo Son Case

Client Name: Mr S's Son

Age: Around 13 years old

Most of the time, some sounds like throat cleaning sound, sniffing, or grunting sound will come
out involuntarily by my son's mouth. He is a patient who suffered from Tics disorder (Tourette Syndrome and ADHD). 

People around my son felt annoyed with his noisy sound. It affected his daily life and he feels ashamed of it. He even get bullied by his friends in school.

To get rid of it, my son visited neurologists and ate medicines. However, it only can be controlled at the very beginning and it seems that his body started to resist it with some side effects. I even went to temples and visited monk before. He lived with this condition and suffered for 2 years until I follow Hiro Koo's brain training, finally I saw hope. 

After following the training session with Hiro Koo, his vocal tics reduced significantly, he have better self-control even without finding any distraction. Besides, My son regained his confidence and he have better mood every day. I was amazed by this technique as it is a very effective training to control my son's vocal tics. 

The advantage of this brain training technique is that this is a natural approach without any pain and side effect. I definitely will recommend to people who suffered for similar issues.

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hypnosis Integrative Hub (Clinical Hypnotherapist Hiro Koo). Clients names have been changed to protect their identity.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Tourette Syndrome and the potential impact on education in Malaysia


Tourette Syndrome (TS) is difficult for some teachers to understand because every student has different symptoms, which can change, wax, and wane. Some teachers may not be well informed about strategies and techniques for recognizing the needs of students with TS, or the most effective teaching approach. Besides the tics, many common co-occurring conditions can be impairing, such as Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), handwriting difficulties, sensory integration or sensory processing disorders, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, and social skills deficits.

Educators and families should be aware of signs that may point to underlying symptoms of the common conditions that co-occur with TS. It is important to recognize the signs so that the additional support in school can be provided for students with Tourette Syndrome or other Tic Disorders. The following are common indications that additional support may be necessary:

Difficulty attending or staying at school 
• A collaborative and positive working relationship with the school can assist in an honest discussion to determine why this may be occurring and then developing a proactive/positive plan to help.

Behavior issues at home or school 
• Focusing on when, where, and why behaviors are occurring will decrease the chance of making assumptions and punishing the child. The Tourette Association provides several resources geared toward addressing challenging behaviors at school and strategies for these difficulties.

Significant reluctance to completing work in school and/or homework 
• This could be a sign that the child has difficulties in the following areas: handwriting difficulties, problems with memory, processing delays, or difficulties with organization. It may also be due to fatigue, which can increase tics and symptoms of other disorders and make focusing more difficult. A meeting with appropriate school staff (such as the teacher, counselor, or others working with your child) to discuss why this is occurring can be helpful. An initial evaluation, or re-evaluation may be necessary to determine if specific skills deficits are the reason for this.

Dropping grades
 • It is common for students with tics and co-occurring conditions to receive good grades in elementary school and then experience a decline in the grades in middle and high school. An updated education evaluation/assessment will assist in determining if hidden symptoms may be responsible and assist in identifying appropriate supports.

Increase in tics, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive behaviors 
• This may be an indication that a meeting with school staff is needed to discuss any changes that may be increasing anxiety. Discussions should include difficulties with peers and specific teachers or support personnel.

Difficulty socializing with peers 
• Screen for social language deficits, as they are common difficulties for students with TS that can severely impact peer interactions and friendships. The use of social stories may not be effective because students with TS often know what to do and say, but are inconsistently able to perform as they know they should and are sometimes capable of doing.

Loss of interest in preferred activities 
• Consider the environment to determine if there is something or someone increasing anxiety. It may also be due to some obsessive-compulsive behaviors related to attempts to achieve perfection.

Retrieved from:

Further reading: Treatment for Tourette Syndrome in Malaysia

Friday, October 28, 2016

Definition and DSM-5: Classification: Tic Disorders

Tourette syndrome (TS), also known as Tourette’s Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic present for greater than one year. Among the neurodevelopmental disorders in the DSM-5, TS is the most complex of the spectrum of tic disorders, which includes:
  • Tourette’s disorder
  • Persistent motor or vocal tic disorder: one or more motor or vocal tics have been present for greater than one year
  • Provisional tic disorder: motor and/or vocal tics have been present for less than a year.
Psychiatric disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) frequently co-occur in TS. Tic symptoms typically begin in early childhood, peak before puberty, and attenuate later in adolescence. 

Symptoms and phenomenology

Tics are rapid, repetitive, non-rhythmic movements or vocalizations. Motor and vocal tics are divided into two classes: simple and complex. Simple motor tics are brief movements involving one muscle group. Simple vocal tics are characterized by simple sounds.
  • Simple motor tics include eye blinks, facial grimaces, head and neck jerks, and shoulder shrugs.  Briefly sustained postures (e.g., blepharospasm, oculogyric movements, and sustained mouth opening) can also be classified as simple motor tics.
  • Simple vocal tics include coughing, sniffing, throat clearing, grunting, and squeaking.
Complex motor tics are more purposeful or orchestrated patterns of movement; complex vocal tics are longer, more orchestrated patterns of speech.
  • Examples of complex motor tics are turning while walking, echopraxia (imitating gestures) and copropraxia (obscene gestures).
  • Complex vocal tics include repeated words or phrases, echolalia (repeating another person's words or phrases) and coprolalia (uttering obscenities). Although coprolalia can cause considerable social distress, it is infrequent, and occurs in only approximately 10% of patients. 
A distinguishing characteristic of tics are the sensations that may precede the movement or sound, termed premonitory sensations or "urges." Sometimes patients can localize these feelings to particular parts of the body from which the tic emerged.
Even if not localizable, patients often describe a feeling of inner discomfort, using words such as a “build up of tension," or describe an unexplainable urge or impulse to perform the tic. Most patients experience an intensification of these sensations or urges when they suppress their tics.
Patients also often describe a strong need to repeat the tic until it feels "just right". After performing the tic, a sense of relief is experienced, although sometimes brief.
Descriptions of these sensations may be difficult for younger patients to express, but there is a quantitative, pictorial rating scale of these urges that can be used with children.


TS is reported worldwide, with prevalence from 0.3% to 0.9%. It affects boys 3 to 4 times more frequently than girls.The vast majority of individuals with TS have behavioral and/or emotional symptoms or disorders; only 12% across all ages are reported to have only tics without other associated conditions. 
From a worldwide dataset, ADHD is the most common comorbid psychiatric disorder, and accounts for about 55% of the behavioral findings. Other disorders, such as mood and anxiety disorders and learning disorders, are also frequently present. 


The cause of TS remains unknown, although evidence from genetic studies suggests that TS is inherited. Genetic factors seem to be the most important etiology, given significant familial aggregation and supporting twin studies. 
Monozygotic twin studies show 53% concordance for TS and 77% for persistent (chronic) motor tics, whereas dizygotic twins show 8% and 23% concordance, respectively.
Environmental factors, including perinatal insults, sex-hormone exposure during brain development, and psychosocial stressors, are also thought to contribute, and thus the overall expression of TS is thought to be multifactorial. 


Diagnosis is made by a comprehensive clinical history from reliable sources, most often parents. Currently there is no identifiable biological marker for a TS diagnosis. A thorough, detailed history focusing on onset, time course, phenomenology such as urges or sensations, exacerbating and ameliorating factors, family history, and comorbid symptoms is essential. A general medical and neurological exam is indicated.
When eliciting history from the parent and patient, inquiry regarding onset of tics is important, as they typically begin in early childhood, followed by a waxing and waning course. Often tics worsen in late childhood prior to puberty.
Although tics tend to wax and wane, with one tic replacing another, sometimes tics can present abruptly or in acute bursts. Explosive, acute onset over 24 to 48 hours, particularly of OCD symptoms, may be suggestive of infectious or autoimmune etiology.
Potential day-to-day exacerbating factors, such as medications (stimulants in some patients, including caffeine and over-the-counter decongestants or cold remedies), fatigue, boredom, and stressors should be noted.
Tic symptoms may be difficult to disentangle from other common childhood symptoms of allergies or cough-variant asthma. Inquiry regarding seasonal patterns, and presence of other allergy-associated symptoms such as rhinitis and post-nasal drip, can be helpful in the differential diagnostic process.
Additionally, at times it may be difficult to differentiate complex motor tics from compulsions, as OCD symptoms frequently co-occur in children with TS. Repetitive behaviors preceded by urges or sensations are more likely to be complex tics, whereas repetitive behaviors that are preceded by a cognition, often a worry, are more likely to be compulsions.


At, we provide help by using intervention such as:
1) EEG biofeedback training for Tics and Tourette Syndrome
2) Habit Reversal Therapy combined with Clinical Hypnotherapy

We are one of the international contacts of Tourette Association of America. We provide information and support to families in Malaysia.
For information on the latest treatment options, please visit the Tourette Association of America's treatment page or contact us via email: [email protected]

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Brain scans of children with Tourette's offer clues about disorder

Brain scan of a child with Tourette's. Yellow indicates an area with less white matter than in the same brain region in kids who don't have the disorder. The scans also revealed areas in the brains of kids with Tourette's that have more gray matter than in children without the condition. Credit: Washington University School of Medicine

Using MRIs, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified areas in the brains of children with Tourette's syndrome that appear markedly different from the same areas in the brains of children who don't have the neuropsychiatric disorder.
Tourette's syndrome is defined by tics—involuntary, repetitive movements and vocalizations. Scientists estimate that the condition affects roughly one to 10 kids out of every 1,000 children.
"In this study, we found changes primarily in brain regions connected to sensation and sensory processing,"said co-principal investigator Kevin Black, MD, a professor of psychiatry.
Differences in those brain regions make sense, Black said, because many people with Tourette's explain that their tics occur mainly as a response to unusual sensations. The feeling that a part of the body doesn't seem right, for example, prompts an involuntary sigh, vocalization, cough or twitch.
"Just as you or I might cough or sneeze due to a cold, a person with Tourette's frequently will have a feeling that something is wrong, and the tic makes it feel better," Black said. "A young man who frequently clears his throat may report that doing so is a reaction to a tickle or some other unusual sensation in his throat. Or a young woman will move her shoulder when it feels strange, and the movement, which is a tic, will make the shoulder feel better."
In the largest study of its kind, the researchers conducted MRI scans at four US sites to study the brains of 103 children with Tourette's and compared them with scans of another 103 kids of the same age and sex but without the disorder. The scans of the children with Tourette's revealed significantly more gray matter in the thalamus, the hypothalamus and the midbrain than in those without the disorder.
The gray matter is where the brain processes information. It's made up mainly of cells such as neurons, glial cells and dendrites, as well as axons that extend from neurons to carry signals.
In kids with Tourette's, the researchers also found less white matter around the orbital prefrontal cortex, just above the eyes, and in the medial prefrontal cortex, also near the front, than in kids without the condition.
White matter acts like the brain's wiring. It consists of axons that—unlike the axons in gray matter—are coated with myelin and transmit signals to the gray matter. Less white matter could mean less efficient transmission of sensations, whereas extra gray matter could mean nerve cells are sending extra signals.
Black said it's not possible to know yet whether the extra gray matter is transmitting information that somehow contributes to tics or whether reduced amounts of white matter elsewhere in the brains of kids with Tourette's may somehow influence the movements and vocalizations that characterize the disorder. But he said that discovering these changes in the brain could give scientists new targets to better understand and treat Tourette's.
"This doesn't tell us what happened to make the brain look this way," Black explained. "Are there missing cells in certain places, or are the cells just smaller? And are these regions changing as the brain tries to resist tics? Or are the differences we observed contributing to problems with tics? We simply don't know the answers yet."

Black said the researchers will aim to replicate these findings in additional patients and determine if and how the brain regions they identified may contribute to Tourette's syndrome, with a goal of developing more effective therapies.
Note: Material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.


Friday, August 19, 2016


1.) “You’re really pretty/ handsome for someone with Tourette’s” or “You’re too pretty/handsome to have Tourette’s”
Yes. People actually say this. Or at least make comments like this online.
In responce to this, here are the words of a beautiful young woman named Megan who has Tourette’s:
“Are you saying that people who have disabilities or neurological conditions are not supposed to be aesthetically pleasing or to have a certain beauty that fits in what society finds acceptable? This warped sense of beauty? What if your child has a disability and you tell them that they are too normal or beautiful to have a disability? Imagine how they’d feel? And you know what? I have Tourette’s and I am gosh damn sexy, beautiful, confident, wonderful, amazing, compassionate, loving, caring, considerate, resilient, and strong-minded. Tourette’s has made me become so much more compassionate towards other people. Tourette’s has helped me learned cultural competency and enables me to connect with ANYONE at ANY TIME on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Now that’s beautiful.” 
2.) “I have this eye twitch when I get stressed so I know exactly what you’re going through.” 
From Jenn, a mother of two children with Tourette’s:
“Really? all day every day for weeks months and years? wow. You may want to get that checked out (depending on how long they have it). If its not something serious then politely change the topic. Some people don’t realize how they come across. My friends daughter says things like this ALL the time.. some days my daughter cries.. other days she will laugh.”
3.) “Can’t you just stop?” 
From Kerri, a mother of a 13 year old son with Tourette’s:
“I like to say to those people that if he (son, 13yo) could stop, he would. It bothers him a whole lot more than it will EVER bother you. It’s a lot like a staring contest: when you keep yourself from blinking for an extended amount of time, once you give in & blink, your eyes burn & you blink a whole lot more to ease the burning in your eyes. Same with stopping/curbing his tics. And no, he won’t stop.”
From Jo, an adult living with Tourette’s:
I often have a hard time getting people who do not have TS to understand why I can’t ‘just stop’. I liken it to not blinking. How long can you NOT blink for? Sometimes we have a certain degree of control over our tics, sometimes we have none and sometimes we can suppress for short amount of time but that tension then builds. So, if you did not blink for 5 minutes your eyes would become so dry/watery and stinging that when you were allowed to blink again you would blink uncontrollably and repeatedly to make up for the lack of blinking until your eyes felt better again. Yeah, that’s what it’s like to NOT tic.
4.) “Maybe if you disciplined your child more or if you weren’t such an anxious parent then they wouldn’t have Tourette’s”  

From Melissa:
“Tourette Snydrome is not something that can be controlled no matter what type of discipline is used. It’s a genetic neurological disroder”
From Brynn, a mother of a child with Tourette’s:
“I would say to them ” do you know what TS is? Do you remember how painful it was to watch your child be in pain as an infant and not be able to do a think about it? I live that everyday with my child, and yes that makes me an anxious parent, but not about her tics or her future. You see, I have raised her to be strong and be proud of all of who she is. What makes me an anxious parent are closed minded people like you that she will undoubtedly encounter in her life. What makes me an axious parent are the hopes that she shows herself as a christian to undiciplined opinions and words like yours.”
5. )”With your effort and attitude, I know you’ll get rid of your tics one day.” 

From Charlotte, an adult living with Tourette’s:

Why would you think that? I’m almost 64 and probably the only time my face will stop moving will be when I’m in my coffin!”
6.) “I wish I had Tourette’s too! Then I could go around swearing and saying anything I want to and I would never get in trouble!” 

From Jenn, a mother of two children with Tourette’s:
“This made me cry – just moved into our neighborhood.. the lady over at the church whose husband is the pastor said she wished she had Tourette syndrome to my son and I and then said because then she could take the lords name in vein. In that moment I was shocked. I smiled at her as if to say I cant believe you said that.. then I said I had to get going – thanks for the chat.. and we left. My son was so upset and wanted to know why I didn’t say anything to her especially since I always say something but I looked at him and said there are some people that are not worth explaining to..”

From Lauren, an adult living with Tourette’s:
“I have actually had that comment made to me by a man who had his Doctoral degree in Social Work, very educated. I explained to him that I was very hurt by what he said and i educated him about what it is like to have Tourette’s and that it is not just a cussing disorder. It was a good learning opportunity for him.”

7.) “You don’t have Tourette’s! You seen so normal. I’ve never even seen you tic.” 

From Darby, a mother of a child with Tourette’s:
“I hear this all the time. Tourette’s is so misunderstood even by medical professionals. My response would depend on the situation. Sometimes I don’t have the time or energy to educate others and I just say, “well you don’t see us much and how it impacts our lives day to day and 24/7.” If I have time, I try to give them some insight and specifics. But, usually they still think I am making things up to excuse my kid’s “behavior.” They don’t get it. And inevitably they want to know why I just don’t make him stop. I recently had someone tell me I should duct tape his mouth shut. People can really be ignorant. I don’t waste anymore time on these people. We try to surround ourselves with people who are kind and understanding. The rest of them have no place in our lives.”

From Mandy, a mother of a child with Tourette’s:
“Certain things make my sons tics act up, excitement, anxiety, etc. He doesn’t tic all the time.”
From Asher, someone living with Tourette’s:
“I can assure you that my tics are very visible to me. They consistently provide adversity in my life, and thus, I can also assure you that I have Tourette Syndrome (And I was diagnosed).”
From Jen, a mother of two children with Tourette’s:
“AH I get this all the time. The answer always depends on the person saying it. I usually say this – Yeah, my kids don’t really tic around others. They try really hard to suppress them in front of strangers or people they know but are uncomfortable around. Take a look sometime at their youtube videos.. lots of tics on those! : ) Maybe you can look it up, its not uncommon for people to not notice. And yes they are normal, thanks”
From Kerri, a mother of a child with Tourette’s:
My son (13) tics constantly & people say this to me all of the time! I tell them they just don’t know what tics are & that not all of them are screaming, in your face tics. I tell them he always tics, they just may not realize it. Once I describe the tics he is currently having, they usually say, “Oh, I’ve seen him do those! Those are tics?! I had no idea.” I don’t mind educating people when they say it out of a place of genuine ignorance & not stupidity (yes, there is a difference!). Otherwise I would respond with one of the above comments.”
From Heather, a mother of a child with Tourette’s:
“TS isn’t always like Hollywood portrays. Often there is much more going on you can’t see”
8.) “Everyone has “habits”. If you have Tourette’s then everyone does too.”

From Heather, a mother of a child with Tourette’s:
“Habits do not prevent you from doing ordinary things like riding a bike, wearing roller skates or ski boots. Habits do not make you lick your lips until they are puffy and sore. Habits do not prevent you from sitting in a chair. Habits do not make your eyes blink so hard and often you can’t read.”

9.) “Don’t worry, I think I have Tourette’s too half the time” 

From Jenn, a mother of two children with Tourette’s:
“Wow. What exactly is it that you do that would lead you to believe you actually have Tourette Syndrome? ( one of two things will happen.. they will either have the symptoms or they wont – if they do then help them and if they don’t then be kind enough to lead them in a more appropriate disorder.. either with a medical name or like in my many circumstances a disorder called Stupidity”
10.) “You just need to exercise more, then you won’t be so hyperactive.”  

From Victoria:
“If that were true, then why do so many professional athletes still have TS? Although exercise helps, it will not cure TS. Same with removing nitrates and other processed food triggers- it will help, but will not cure the underlying disease.”

From Kerri, a mother of a 13 year old son with Tourette’s: 
“He (son, 13yo) is a runner & a swimmer. I’m sure he exercises more than you. It helps but does not make it go away.”
From Jo, an adult living with Tourette’s:
“I do two aerobics sessions a week plus a busy, on my feet job and I do voluntary work two mornings a week, am a single parent to two teenage boys, one with ADHD. I’d say I do my fair share of exercise…strangely I still have Tourette’s. Go figure.”
