Friday, May 17, 2013

Trust your intuition

Sometimes you just have to trust your intuition right now...
In the beginning it is going to be very tough! 
Your actions may appear foolish to others but one day you are going to be proud of yourself.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hierarchy of needs

              People are motivated to take care of lower order needs before higher order needs.
If you are not sure what level you are now, kindly take a look here:

There are five different levels in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:

    Physiological Needs
    These include the most basic needs that are vital to survival, such as the need for water, air, food, and sleep. Maslow believed that these needs are the most basic and instinctive needs in the hierarchy because all needs become secondary until these physiological needs are met.

    Security Needs
    These include needs for safety and security. Security needs are important for survival, but they are not as demanding as the physiological needs. Examples of security needs include a desire for steady employment, health care, safe neighborhoods, and shelter from the environment.

    Social Needs
    These include needs for belonging, love, and affection. Maslow described these needs as less basic than physiological and security needs. Relationships such as friendships, romantic attachments, and families help fulfill this need for companionship and acceptance, as does involvement in social, community, or religious groups.

    Esteem Needs
    After the first three needs have been satisfied, esteem needs becomes increasingly important. These include the need for things that reflect on self-esteem, personal worth, social recognition, and accomplishment.

    Self-actualizing Needs
    This is the highest level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Self-actualizing people are self-aware, concerned with personal growth, less concerned with the opinions of others, and interested fulfilling their potential.

'Hierarchy of needs' is retrieved from

Friday, May 3, 2013

Don't limit yourself!

Freedom is waiting for you! 
Don't limit yourself!
You're not a pet bird.
Nothing can stop you when you have determination.

All human beings have the right to make choices.
You can be what you wanna be and you take responsibility for your actions.
Imagine a future moment,
All your dreams come true!
Yes, you know this is the greatest moment of your life!
Doesn't that sound exciting?

The key to success is your subconscious mind.