Sunday, August 11, 2024

马来西亚自律神经检测 @ New Mind Brain Health Centre, Bangsar South



所谓的“自律神经检查”,也称为“心率变异分析”(Heart Rate Variability, HRV),是一种通过非侵入性、无痛、无副作用的检测技术,以便采集身体心电信号的方法。经过信号处理,得出自律神经的各项指标,帮助我们了解交感和副交感神经的活性、压力水平和心率变异性等。研究表明,自律神经功能与认知能力、身体健康、情绪状态及心血管风险密切相关。通过这类分析,我们可以客观地评估自律神经的平衡情况。

在New Mind Brain Health Centre脑健康中心,我们通过创伤知情学说和创伤压力研究(Traumatic Stress Studies)的角度来探索和解读自律神经的功能及其失调情况。许多创伤学文献表示,长期的复杂性创伤性压力可能会导致自律神经系统的失衡,因此理解这一点对于诊断和治疗非常重要。














自律神经失调在New Mind Brain Health Centre脑健康中心的调理方法:

  • 针对症状本身及根本的身心疾病症状(如果有)进行治疗,我们的合作团队有精神科医生、心理辅导师、创伤知情催眠治疗师、临床脑波反馈师等等。
  • 创伤知情催眠治疗去调整微创伤或复杂性创伤间接导致的自律神经失调模式
  • 创伤知情脑波反馈训练 (Trauma Attuned Neurofeedback Training) 调整自律神经失调引起的症状
  • 和谐呼吸训练 (HRV Biofeedback Training 心率生物反馈训练)
  • 安适疗愈整合治疗 (Safe and Sound Protocol) 帮助经历过创伤或长期压力的人在身体上感到更加安全和放松
  • 催眠疗法调整生活方式:强化健康饮食动力、运动动力、规律生活作息调理、改善睡眠质量等
  • 心理健康教育与催眠疗法,去改善摄取刺激自律神经系统食品的行为,如咖啡因、茶、过咸、过油、过辣等饮食

Disclaimer:请注意,这自律神经检测并不是医学诊断,而是一种预防性健康(Preventive Health)干预。如果你感到身体不适,但医学上无法确定原因,这才可能是由于自律神经失衡所导致。


*我们的Device是FDA Approved的

Friday, July 12, 2024

Biofeedback Federation of Europe - BFE Meeting 2024 - Conference Speaker

In the loving European country of Slovenia (sLOVEnia), my presentation concluded successfully. I shared insights on utilizing applied neuroscience technology and unconscious processes exploration methods to encourage more people to focus on the importance of preventive mental and physical health interventions and corporate mental health training for public health. The positive feedback and recognition from the attendees after the presentation were truly heartwarming.

It was an absolute honor to have Dr. Donald Moss, a distinguished authority in the field of hypnosis and former president of the Society of Psychological Hypnosis under the American Psychological Association's Division 30, introduce my presentation topic and personal background. Dr. Moss is a highly influential practitioner and scholar in the field of hypnosis and psychology, and I have long admired his innovative therapeutic approach combining various adjunctive therapies with psychotherapy interventions.
Through his introduction, I discovered that Dr. Moss also places great importance on sub-health issues and preventive psychological well-being. He also took note of the recent Newsletter from APA Division 30 featuring my background and the current state of hypnosis in Malaysia, which greatly inspired and moved me.
As a hypnotherapist, the events of these past few days have been incredibly touching and comforting moments in my professional career. This journey of learning and sharing reaffirmed that my decade-long dedication and persistence have been worthwhile. I hope that my life experiences can also inspire those who are fighting for their dreams.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

UTM SPACE认证专业应用催眠证书班获好评及新班开课通知

收到了一些UTM SPACE认证Professional Certificate in Applied Hypnosis专业应用催眠证书班同学的好评肯定,也从大家的字里行间看到了个人的提升与收获。确实,虽然许多同学带着学习催眠技术的心来上课,但是他们在这个学习过程中,渐渐领悟到,原来在帮助他人前,梳理了自己潜意识内在的声音,更了解自己内在的各个部分是非常有帮助的。
就像Inside Out电影带出的重点,所有的情绪都可以被看见与接纳时,我们将越来越能选择自己心底想要成为的模样。



周末将会开办新一届的UTM SPACE认证专业应用催眠证书班。毕业后也能获得美国ICBCH催眠师Professional Hypnotist认证哦!


Course info:

Received positive feedback from students of the UTM SPACE certified Professional Certificate in Applied Hypnosis course. Through their words, it's evident that they have experienced personal growth and benefits. Indeed, while many students joined with the aim of learning hypnosis techniques, they gradually realized the importance of understanding their inner subconscious voices, which significantly aids in self-awareness before helping others.

Similar to the key message in the movie Inside Out, when all emotions are seen and accepted, we become better at choosing the person we want to be.

The feedback scores for this graduation session have remained high, indicating that my teaching methods have met the expectations of most students. I will continue to strive for even better teaching quality!

For those continuing with the Trauma-Informed Practitioner Diploma course, see you in January next year! Take good care of yourselves!

A new session of the UTM SPACE certified Professional Certificate in Applied Hypnosis course will commence this weekend. Graduates will also be eligible for the Professional Hypnotist certification from the ICBCH USA!

If you're interested in last-minute registration, feel free to DM us!

Course info: