Tuesday, May 14, 2024

National Occupational Skills Standard for Hypnotherapy (NOSS Hypnotherapy) Malaysia

The National Occupational Skills Standard for Hypnotherapy Vocational Education in Malaysia has been officially established and launched! This is believed to be the first nationally accredited hypnotherapy vocational education standard in Asia. In the future, obtaining this national accreditation will involve either traditional skill training education (2400 hours, with approximately 70% being practical training in applied techniques) or Recognition Prior Experience, a comprehensive evaluation and assessment of previously acquired knowledge and work experience.

I was excited upon receiving this news. I recall in 2021 when I took the initiative to discuss this proposal with government officials. Back then, simply gaining acceptance for the term "hypnotherapy" took numerous discussions over a year and a half, which was a mentally exhausting process. At that time, almost everyone advised me against dreaming big and getting involved in so many matters.
However, I firmly believed that this was an essential aspect to garner greater recognition for hypnotherapy in Malaysia.
Gradually, more and more people joined our cause, including a group of excellent professionals from various backgrounds (career counselors, clinical psychologists, medical doctors, educational psychologist, developmental psychologist, HR experts, social workers, etc.) who also possessed hypnotherapy experience. They became involved in the designated this hypnotherapy vocational education standard process. We referenced hypnotherapy education standards from countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, while adapting to local culture and needs. With the support of the Malaysian government, we have finally completed this vocational standard for hypnotherapy education!
I am truly thrilled and honored to be part of this milestone for the hypnotherapy profession!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Poster Presentation @ 35th Annual International Boston Trauma Conference

My work in traumatic stress studies has been accepted for presentation at the upcoming 35th Annual International Boston Trauma Conference. I am feeling excited to share my innovation CBHI (which involves neurofeedback screening, expressive art therapy, and hypnotherapy) soon.


Poster Presentation @ BACP International Research Conference 2024


Poster Presentation @ BACP International Research Conference 2024, themed "Enriching research, practice and policy with lived experience," organized by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.