Saturday, September 28, 2024

Discover the Healing Power of Hypnotherapy in Cancer Care: A Natural Way to Manage Stress, Surgery, and Treatment Side Effects


When you're facing the challenges of cancer treatment, both physically and emotionally, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. While traditional treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are necessary, they often bring along intense stress, anxiety, and difficult side effects. That’s where hypnotherapy can make a real difference—helping you find calm, resilience, and comfort when you need it most.

As a complementary therapyhypnotherapy works alongside your medical treatments to improve your overall well-being, reduce discomfort, and empower you throughout your cancer journey.

A Personal Message from Dr. Hiro Koo

Hello, I’m Dr. Hiro Koo, a trauma-informed hypnotherapist. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working with many cancer survivors, helping them overcome emotional and physical challenges with hypnotherapy. Recently, I was honored to be invited by the Traditional and Complementary Medicine Department to speak on this very topic, where I shared how hypnotherapy is transforming the lives of patients during their cancer treatment.

Every day, I see how hypnotherapy helps my patients regain a sense of control over their bodies and emotions—whether it’s preparing mentally for surgery, managing treatment side effects, or simply finding a space of calm during an incredibly stressful time.

Let me walk you through how hypnotherapy can complement your cancer treatment and support your healing journey.

How Can Hypnotherapy Help You During Cancer Treatment?

1. Easing Stress and Anxiety

A cancer diagnosis is life-changing, and the stress and anxiety that follow are often overwhelming. Hypnotherapy offers a space where you can deeply relax, allowing your mind and body to release tension and stress. By addressing the emotional toll of cancer, we can help reduce anxiety levels, leaving you feeling more in control and peaceful during this challenging time.

2. Supporting Pre and Post-Surgery

Facing surgery can bring up a lot of fear and uncertainty. With hypnotherapy, I help patients mentally prepare for surgery by guiding them into a calm, focused state that reduces anxiety and enhances the body’s natural healing response. Post-surgery, hypnotherapy aids in pain management, speeds recovery, and helps patients regain a positive outlook as they heal.

3. Alleviating Treatment Side Effects

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy, while critical to fighting cancer, often come with side effects like nausea, fatigue, and pain. Hypnotherapy combines with the cognitive behavioral hypnotherapy approach, we offer a natural way to manage these side effects, helping you feel more comfortable and better equipped to handle your treatment. Through guided visualization and relaxation techniques, we can work together to ease the discomfort and improve your overall well-being.

4. Building Emotional Resilience and Cope with Traumatic Stress

Cancer is not just a physical journey; it’s an emotional one too. Hypnotherapy helps you develop inner strength and emotional resilience, which is vital for coping with the ups and downs of treatment as well as the potential traumatic stress responses. Whether it’s managing fear, sadness, or frustration, hypnotherapy can empower you to stay positive and strong, even when things feel tough.

The Science Behind Hypnotherapy in Cancer Care

You might wonder how hypnotherapy works in the context of cancer care. Research has shown that hypnotherapy can help reduce stress, anxiety, and pain, making it a valuable tool in cancer treatment. It’s widely recognized in integrative oncology programs around the world for its ability to improve patient outcomes by enhancing emotional and physical well-being.

I’ve seen firsthand how patients feel more empowered and at ease when hypnotherapy is part of their treatment plan. By working with your subconscious mind, we can create positive changes in how you respond to stress, pain, and discomfort—making your cancer treatment journey more manageable.

Ready to Learn More About Hypnotherapy for Cancer Care?

If you’re interested in how hypnotherapy can complement your cancer treatment and help you manage stress, anxiety, surgery, or side effects, I’m here to guide you. 

Cancer may be a challenging chapter in your life, but you don’t have to face it alone. Hypnotherapy offers a gentle yet powerful way to support your body and mind throughout treatment. Let’s work together to improve your well-being and bring more peace and comfort into your life.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

China's Rise in Brain-Computer Interface Technology Conference 2024: A Global Collaboration with Experts from Australia, Italy, Malaysia, and Beyond


In China, brain-computer interface technology, especially groundbreaking innovations like neurofeedback, has quickly become one of the most transformative fields of development and supported by government there. The government is fully backing these advancements, recognizing their enormous potential to reshape both the tech and healthcare landscapes. Over recent years, we’ve seen an impressive rise in Chinese enterprises and medical institutions diving headfirst into this frontier, making remarkable progress in both research and practical applications. As a result, China is positioning itself as a trailblazer in brain-computer interface technology, setting new benchmarks for global innovation in this space.

Yet, the roots of this technology stretch beyond China’s borders. Around 30 years ago, the seeds of neurofeedback technology were planted in Southeast Asia, thanks to my late mentor, Dr. Kang. He had the foresight to bring this revolutionary concept from Western countries, introducing it to Singapore and Malaysia when it was still a niche field. Dr. Kang, a true visionary, led a small but dedicated team, pioneering its early use across the region. Under his guidance, the foundations were laid for what would become a flourishing field with wide-reaching impact across various sectors.

At this seminar, I had the honor of sharing the rich history of neurofeedback in Singapore and Malaysia, recounting its gradual but steady rise from a relatively unknown technology to something widely embraced in medical and mental wellness circles. This journey was not undertaken alone. Alongside me in this exploration of the field’s past and future were an impressive array of professionals: clinical psychologists from Australia, Italy, and Hong Kong; child psychiatrists from Indonesia; and a diverse mix of medical doctors and neuroscientists from around the world. Each of these experts has brought their unique perspectives and contributions, further enriching the field and helping to propel it forward.

Together, we reflected on the milestones that brought us here. This isn't just a tale of technological advancement—it’s a powerful narrative about global collaboration, vision, and the relentless pursuit of innovation. From a small group of pioneers to a thriving international community, the evolution of neurofeedback is a testament to the endless possibilities that arise when the brightest minds come together. As we look ahead, the future of brain-computer interface technology is brighter than ever, promising to break barriers and redefine what we know about human potential.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024



上8TV《活力加油站》谈催眠治疗失眠的点点滴滴 今天有幸受邀上8TV的《活力加油站》,与大家分享了关于催眠治疗失眠的一些心得与经验。在节目中,我详细讲解了催眠如何帮助缓解失眠的问题,并探讨了催眠在改善睡眠质量、缓解压力方面的有效性。 催眠治疗通过引导放松与自我暗示,帮助个体进入深度放松的状态,从而提升入睡的能力。节目中,我们还分享了一些实用的技巧,如如何在日常生活中运用简单的应对方式来改善睡眠。 如果你错过了这期节目,欢迎关注我们,获取更多关于催眠疗法的信息。期待未来有更多机会与大家分享更多的健康话题!

Today, I had the privilege of being invited to 8TV's "Living Delight" to share some insights and experiences on using hypnotherapy to treat insomnia. During the program, I explained in detail how hypnotherapy can help alleviate insomnia and discussed its effectiveness in improving sleep quality and reducing stress.

Hypnotherapy works by guiding individuals into a state of deep relaxation and self-suggestion, which enhances their ability to fall asleep. In the show, we also shared some practical tips on how to use simple coping strategies in daily life to improve sleep.

If you missed the episode, feel free to follow us for more information about hypnotherapy. I look forward to future opportunities to share more health-related topics with everyone!