Showing posts with label dysautonomia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dysautonomia. Show all posts

Friday, September 9, 2022

[Review] 创伤导向催眠治疗,改善自律神经失调反应 - Miss SY

Review from Miss SY:



我上网查询找到New Mind决定试试脑电波和催眠疗法。催眠不是什么魔法,是古老又先进的心理治疗或调节模式。最深刻的是老师引导我去寻找过去的自己,未治愈的自己。让我察觉到自己内在的声音需要被聆听,也学会安抚内在的小孩。在老师的引导下渐渐发现自己的抗压视窗变大了,懂得怎么管理情绪允许它们的流动,更懂得怎么正视内心的声音,拥抱内在的小孩,让他重新长大。表达能力也提升了,也学会设定边界,亲密关系的质量也大大提升。 感谢生命中发生的一切让我有机会来到New Mind遇见Dr Hiro 开始了有趣的自我探索之旅。大脑真的很神奇,每一堂课后都像是一次又一次的醒悟,对自己有了更深层的了解,不断提升心灵上的成长。这种成长是言语表达不出来也摸不着的东西。每个人都可以拥有属于自己的力量和温柔,只是需要被启发,找到真我,活出自我。

*The Tree-Drawing Test: Left as Before treatment (February) and Right as After treatment (September)。
Dr Hiro的话:

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Dr Hiro Koo

Thursday, August 11, 2022

[Review] Trauma-Informed Intervention for the Anxiety, Fear, Depression and Medically Unexplained Symptoms - Miss CT


感谢Hiro让我找到了自己!在还没有来到NEW MIND BRAIN HEALTH CENTRE的时候,我总是感到特别焦虑,忧郁,害怕,心里总会莫名感到害怕,脑子里总有千万个担心,也发现到自己对很多事情都越来越无感,似乎没有特别的感觉,感觉自己特别无能没用,也常觉得自己做的不够好,甚至觉得自己的存在很多余,有着轻生的念头,随着情绪的不稳定,身体也渐渐越来越多毛病,整天都感觉全身上下都不舒服,有一段时间又突然天天头晕,做什么都感到无力,只想睡觉,当然也去见了心理医生(精神科),但是服用药物之后,情况一直也没有好转。

直到通过朋友的介绍来做了脑电波检测(Brain Mapping Assessment)后就决定接受Hiro的治疗,很感谢缘分让我来到这里,找到了自己,通过整个疗程让我更清楚了,了解自己情绪的根源,也知道自己活着的意义,不像以前那样总是感到焦虑恐惧了,当然最重要的是学会了当情绪来临时该怎么处理好,从中也学会了人与人之间的底线,自我的权力,觉知,真正的爱自己,聆听自己的内心声音,保护好自己的内心


Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo

Saturday, July 30, 2022

【Review】成功改善情绪不稳定和身体上的痛 - Case 菁Jing

记得2年多前的MCO反反复复的开关, 这导致了我患有情绪压抑。在今年一月的机缘巧合底下在电台(988)听到Hiro Koo博士的访谈。于是便登门接受治疗和了解创伤的伤害性。



Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo

Thursday, January 6, 2022

[Media] FM 988 Interview: 找不出病因?催眠或许有帮助! (谈自律神经失调dysautonomia symptoms)


明早8am-9am #988早点up_交换角度,线上邀来临床催眠治疗师Hiro Koo,分享通过催眠如何改善身心反应问题~
988 DJ : Chan Fong 988 DJ : Joycelyn 慧敏 988 DJ : Ee Kiat 毅杰

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

【原创】自律神经的基础运作原理 | 你可以做什么?



B:当跷跷板平衡时,自律神经也处在一个最平衡(这时身体状况最放松又健康),最有社交连接和安全状态(副交感神经之Ventral Vagal激活)。想一想,跷跷板要怎样平衡呢?就是跷跷板左右两端都要有人坐着。有质量的社交连接(Social connection)、有同理心的陪伴与深谈,可以让我们的大脑处于平衡状态。居家隔离期间,善用你的网路媒介,减少肺炎相关新闻追踪,多多和亲朋戚友透过社交软体”面谈“。

C:当跷跷板失衡,你突然被”顶“到至高点,感觉是害怕的对吗?这就像是每天我们生活里突如其来的一些负面新闻、一些压力、一些烦恼和人事问题影响而变得紧张、害怕或不安,我们就会产生交感神经反应(Sympathetic response)。这时候我们开启了”战斗模式“,身体开始响起了警报器Alarm。这时最容易出现身体不适如心悸,肠胃不舒服,对声音敏感甚至生气急躁等等情绪反应。然而这个反应是可以平衡回来的,最重要你要建立”第2要点“的资源(懂得陪伴的亲朋戚友或治疗师所教导的自助技术),让你渐渐回复平衡点。

D:当跷跷板失衡,你跌倒了后,你的大脑潜意识感觉到反抗也无效,从而陷入了无助无可奈何的状况里(副交感神经的Dorsal Vagal激活起来)。这时人很容易陷入抑与,无精打采,无法专注,非常疲累的状态。大脑记忆力开始变差,常常不在状况,人变得抽离恍惚,这时也容易出现低血压,肠胃问题和体重问题。同样的,你也需要建立起”第B要点“这个资源,你才可以让你的跷跷板容易回到平衡点。


Thursday, September 19, 2019

《AiFM爱生活》何为自律神经失调?如何治疗? By 马来西亚Hiro Koo




2. 教导您个人化的自我催眠,从而改善睡眠质感


4. Newmindcentre.com咨询师将教导您如何正确的发泄情緒,不讓起伏的心情打亂自律神經的節奏 


AiFM Facebook 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

【马来西亚自律神经失调调理工作坊Dealing with Dysautonomia Workshop】参加者回馈Testimonial





今次,开办的 #工作坊 环绕的主题便是【自律神经】,为大家解析相关的点滴,也会教导实践性的技巧去调节自己的状态。

有兴趣参与下一场【自律神经失调调理工作坊】的话,欢迎联络我们: 0167154419 (Whatsapp)


This workshop has benefited me greatly. I experienced my emotional ups and downs and I have learnt pay more attention to my emotional management. Through the workshop I realize how emotion can affect one’s personality and behavior. It also taught me the appropriate way to release my inner feelings and emotion. As for hypnotherapy, the therapeutic voice recording (by Hiro Koo) and music has helped my mind to stay calm; I was also able to relax and fall asleep. I am very grateful toward New Mind Brain Health Centre for the workshop. I sincerely thank them.


            老师的讲解与细心的教导,让我学习到如何加强自己的coping skill。当严重的恐慌发作时,我一次比一次的应对到。

Ann L:

            I had serious insomnia for years. As a result, I could not perform well in my daily life, especially at my work. At first, I tried sleeping pills. Then I relied on alcohol. Gradually, I became dependent on them which negatively affected my health. I had also tried other alternative ways to improve my sleep condition but to no avail, until I stumbled upon hypnotherapy. After a few sessions of hypnotherapy, I began to realize that I am able to sleep easier. It is truly amazing! I could not believe that hypnotherapy resolved my sleep problems which I had been suffering from for years. I can live a normal life now; I can get into sleep at night easily and wake up fresh in the morning. My energy level increased as the quality of sleep improved. Hypnotherapy is truly effective for me. I am glad that it is a natural and safe method that was able to address my condition without resorting to any medication. Even after most of my symptoms were treated, I strongly believe that hypnotherapy can also help me maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All testimonials and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo.

[Review] 自律神经失调Dysautonomia Symptoms Treatment | Malaysia - YK Case

Name: YK
Age: 40
Town: Kuala Lumpur
Job title: Housewife/Homemade baker


接受治疗已一年了, 我恐慌的症状与自律神经失调的症状已开始慢慢地改善。当恐慌发作时,我已能慢慢地应付与调整,所以发作的程度已没那么的严重,也没往医院跑了。在情绪方面,也开始好转到能正面,乐观的看待事情。

以前的我,常处于低落,沮丧的状态,但现在,我异能开心,愉快了起来。 学习到了慢活的好处,放松的节奏,最重要的,我也找回了对烘焙的热诚。虽然我的情况时好时坏,但已不像以前那么严重了。起码已在好转的阶段中。现在我依然在接受治疗,因为我不想半途而废,也因为看到了好转的效果。期待着我有痊愈的一天。 

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

[Review] Dysautonomia Treatment in Malaysia - R.T Case

Client Name: R.T

Before starting my hypnotherapy session with Hiro, I was emotionally unstable like a time bomb that can go off anytime. I have all the symptoms of dysautonomia that Hiro showed us on a slide in a workshop.

Dysautonomia (or autonomic dysfunction) is a condition in which the autonomic nervous system (ANS) does not work properly.. My Stress Anxiety and Depression(DASS) test score was all in the SEVERE category.  I am tired all the time and no amount of sleep and nap seems to help.This has severely affected my work and family life, which both were very dear to me.

My whole family was in the wellness business but TCM , organic foods and nutrition supplements did not helped much. I started my self-help/ spiritual journey around the age 18(i'm now 35), but none of the things I learned in the past seems to help, instead they worked as a weapon as a high(almost impossible to meet) standard to judge against myself.

After struggling for about 2 months, my family members finally suggested that I seek for external help, just like a doctor cannot do operation on himself, maybe I too, have reached a point where self-helping doesn't work anymore.

Hiro created a safe environment which I was able to start sharing my situation without feeling judged and criticised. This helped tremendously because I felt like finally being understood, and that there are others that has gone through similar paths that I have, I'm not alone and I have hope to recover.

Everything I received in the sessions was personalized and customized to meet the person that I am at the moment, never did I felt I was pushed too hard or being offered something that I don't actually need. Hiro really does have a deep understanding of my situation, and has multiple ways to handle things that came up in the sessions.

I was noticing significant improved sleep quality after the 2nd week of my session. Which lead to improved emotional stability. My family members seemed to be more at ease around me instead of fearing that I would burst anytime like a bomb. Things just kept getting better and better after each session. I was getting less and less triggered by events that used to make my goes BOOOM. Every session there was something deeper that was being discovered and dealt with, each session was purposeful and meaningful, and I received clear concise action plan that I can work on before the next session. Never did I felt that time or energy was wasted during the whole 2~3 months working with Hiro and his team of well trained staff.

Today I am about 80~90% free of all the symptoms that I have prior to working with Hiro. I feel so lucky and grateful to have found Hiro and hypnotherapy, many people that did not make it in their journey and took their own life, and many more that are still struggling with guilt,grief,pain and hopelessness. Without the support of Hiro and his team, my recovery could take probably 2 years to a lifetime instead of 2~3 months.
Recovery can be speedy when we find the tools that works, Hiro and his team certainly knows how to make them not only work, but work on a personal and customized way for people like us.

I hope that my story can give you some courage and motivation to seek help from a trusted professional(such as Hiro).

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo.

Friday, March 8, 2019

8TV International Women Day 2019 Public Talk Event

8TV event for the international women’s day 2019. I talk about Autonomic dysfunction symptoms (how your brain affects your mind and physical health). Glad that I have a chance to share my clinical experience and brain health coping skills (such as mindfulness, clinical hypnosis, creative arts therapy and neurofeedback technique) with all wonderful women here.

Thursday, December 20, 2018








文:Hiro Koo

Monday, April 23, 2018

[Radio Interview] CityPlus FM - All about the Pre-Election Anxiety

On air today, we discussed about the Pre-Election Anxiety and how to cope with it:)
Basically the symptoms of it is similar with the Autonomic Dysfunction.

Beside all the tips that we mentioned on air, you can cope with it via psychological hypnosis method as well.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

CITYPlus FM Interview - The Career Effects of Illness (14 August 2017)

Special thanks for CITYPlus FM【华丽上班族】

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Autonomic Dysfunction Treatment Malaysia

What is the autonomic nervous system?

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) controls several basic functions, including:
  • heart rate
  • body temperature
  • breathing rate
  • digestion
  • sensation
You don’t have to think consciously about these systems for them to work. The ANS provides the connection between your brain and certain body parts, including internal organs. For instance, it connects to your heart, liver, sweat glands, skin, and even the interior muscles of your eye.
The ANS includes the sympathetic autonomic nervous system (SANS) and the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system (PANS). Most organs have nerves from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.
The SANS usually stimulates organs. For example, it increases heart rate and blood pressure when necessary. The PANS usually slows down bodily processes. For example, it reduces heart rate and blood pressure. However, the PANS stimulates digestion and the urinary system, and the SANS slows them down.
The main responsibility of the SANS is to trigger emergency responses when necessary. These fight-or-flight responses get you ready to respond to stressful situations. The PANS conserves your energy and restores tissues for ordinary functions.

Symptoms of autonomic dysfunction

Autonomic dysfunction can affect a small part of the ANS or the entire ANS. Some symptoms that may indicate the presence of an autonomic nerve disorder include:
  • dizziness and fainting upon standing up, or orthostatic hypotension
  • an inability to alter heart rate with exercise, or exercise intolerance
  • sweating abnormalities, which could alternate between sweating too much and not sweating enough
  • digestive difficulties, such as a loss of appetite, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, or difficulty swallowing
  • urinary problems, such as difficulty starting urination, incontinence, and incomplete emptying of the bladder
  • sexual problems in men, such as difficulty with ejaculation or maintaining an erection
  • sexual problems in women, such as vaginal dryness or difficulty having an orgasm
  • vision problems, such as blurry vision or an inability of the pupils to react to light quickly
You can experience any or all of these symptoms depending on the cause, and the effects may be mild to severe. Symptoms such as tremor and muscle weakness may occur due to certain types of autonomic dysfunction.

Coping and support

Finding support to help you cope with autonomic dysfunction can be just as important for improving quality of life as managing physical symptoms.
Methods for coping and improving quality of life include the following:
  • Depression can occur with autonomic dysfunction. Therapy with a qualified counselor, therapist, or psychologist can help you cope.
  • Ask your doctor or therapist about support groups in your area. They’re available for different conditions.
  • You may find that you have more limitations than before your diagnosis. Set priorities to help you make sure you’re doing the things that are important to you.
  • Accept help and support from family and friends if you need it.
  • Ask for help if you need it.

What is Neurofeedback/EEG Biofeedback?
Neuro = brain & Feedback = information given back to you
Neurofeedback treats a variety of conditions in a safe and effective manner because it works at the subconscious level. It creates changes in the brain by creating new electrical activity through a process of measurement and reinforcement.* Quite simply, one is reinforced for changing their brain waves at a subconscious level through the use of computers. The brain learns to self-regulate, which calms the nervous system, reducing or eliminating symptoms. Without self-regulation, many problems of the central nervous system can result – Lack of Focus, Anxiety, Depression and Physical Symptoms, to name a few.* Neurofeedback is successfully used to treat ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Stress, Emotional Distress, Behavioral Issues, Mood Issues, Pain, Lyme, PANS/PANDAS, Headaches, Concussion, TBI and a variety of other issues. Almost any brain, regardless of its level of function (or dysfunction), can be trained to function better. These changes are lasting.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Therapy for Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) in Malaysia

What is PoTS?

  • Postural          position of the body
  • Tachycardia   increased heart rate
  • Syndrome     a combination of symptoms

Postural tachycardia syndrome is an abnormality of the functioning of the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. To be diagnosed with PoTS, an individual must experience a group of symptoms in the upright position (usually standing) that are relieved by lying down. A persistent increase in heart rate of 30 beats per minute (40 bpm if under 19 years of age) should be recorded within ten minutes of standing. Blood pressure (BP) does not always drop in PoTS.
Patients can be very disabled by their symptoms.  Fortunately, for many patients, symptoms will improve with a combination of life style changes and medication.  However some will have problems over many years.
Many health care professionals do not know that PoTS exists and so may not think of the diagnosis.  If you think you may have this condition, it may help to take a printout of information from this website to your appointment.

The Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) is an abnormality of the autonomic nervous system (sometimes called ‘dysautonomia’). The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is in charge of all bodily functions that we don’t have to think about, such as:
  • Heart rate and blood pressure regulation
  • Digestion
  • Bladder control
  • Sweating
  • Stress response
The sympathetic nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system. It produces the ‘fight or flight’ or ‘stress’ response. When activated, a chemical called norepinephrine is released. Amongst other things, this causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

Treatment for PoTs  in Malaysia?
The Autonomic Nervous System has two branches, the Sympathetic and the Parasympathetic, which regulate the involuntary processes of the body, the viscera, and sense organs, glands and blood vessels. In evolutionary terms it is older than the CNS and its anatomical circuitry is broadly dispersed, creating a general response, quite unlike the highly specific pathways and response of the CNS. This generalised, widely distributed structure enables it to mediate overall changes in state; it is part of the limbic system which has also been known as the mammalian or emotional brain.

When a person looks at the world, he or she is confronted with an overwhelming amount of sensory information—sights, sounds, smells, and so on. After being processed in the brain's sensory areas, the information is relayed to the amygdala, which acts as a portal to the emotion-regulating limbic system. Using input from the individual's stored knowledge, the amygdala determines how the person should respond emotionally—for example, with fear (at the sight of a burglar), lust (on seeing a lover) or indifference (when facing something trivial). Messages cascade from the amygdala to the rest of the limbic system and eventually reach the autonomic nervous system, which prepares the body for action. If the person is confronting a burglar, for example, his heart rate will rise and his body will sweat to dissipate the heat from muscular exertion. The autonomic arousal, in turn, feeds back into the brain, amplifying the emotional response. Over time, the amygdala creates a salience landscape, a map that details the emotional significance of everything in the individual's environment.

Recent brain research indicates that it is possible to talk to the amygdala, a key part of the brain that deals with certain emotions. The inner mind is concerned with emotion, imagination and memory as well as the autonomic nervous system which automatically controls our internal organs. By talking to the amygdala, an experienced clinical hypnotherapist can relax the autonomic nervous system shutting down, or curtailing the trigger that sets off secretion of the adrenal and pituitary glands. This gives the body an opportunity to rebuild its immune system in many chronic illnesses. 
By using the technique of neuro-hypnotherapy Malaysia, we can peek into the brain region which associated with the regulation of amygdala now. It is safe, painless, non-invasive and no side effect.

"The mind is like an onion. The outer layer, or conscious mind, deals with intelligence, reality, and logic. The inner mind is concerned with emotion, imagination, and memory, as well as the autonomic nervous system which automatically controls our internal organs (i.e., how we breathe, send oxygen to our blood cells, or walk without using the conscious mind.) The internal mind is on autopilot, reacting to the dictates of the pleasure principle. It seeks pleasure and avoids pain" (Warren, 2003, pp. 175-6).
It is these characteristics that make hypnosis a highly effective therapeutic tool in dealing with a wide spectrum of mental and physical disorders. When a clinical hypnotherapist is doing hypnosis, the amygdala is turned down. The clinical hypnotherapist can actually relax the autonomic nervous system, shutting down the usual "fight, flight, or freeze" response and curtailing the trigger that sets off secretion of the pituitary and adrenal glands. This gives the body a chance to build up its immune system and reduce trauma (Frank and Mooney, 2002) in many chronic illnesses (i.e., irritable syndrome, bulimia, cancer, high blood pressure, and Parkinson's disease.) Even the Wall Street Journal (Friedman, 2003) has documented how hypnosis has entered the mainstream and is using trance states for fractures, cancer, and burns and speeding recovery time.
